Programme and project news and events

  • GRENDEL - GRENDEL at 8th Annual Forum for the EU Strategy of the Danube Region (EUSDR)
    - 05-07-2019
    GRENDEL at 8th Annual Forum for the EU Strategy of the Danube Region (EUSDR)

    The 8th edition of the EUSDR Annual Forum took place on 27th and 28th of June 2019 in Bucharest, Romania. This event was organized by the Romanian Presidency of the EUSDR – Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania together with the DG...

  • EDU-LAB - EDU-LAB Final Conference video
    - 05-07-2019
    EDU-LAB Final Conference video

    Watch our video depicting the Final Conference and EDU-LAB project results here:

  • ResInfra@DR - Final project event reflecting on “Perspectives for Research Infrastructures in the Danube Macro-region” - review
    - 04-07-2019
    Final project event reflecting on “Perspectives for Research Infrastructures in the Danube Macro-region” - review

    Considering the current developments and institutional changes in the Danube macro-region the question regarding the role of research infrastructure/s as a backbone of excellent research gains increasing attention: The ResInfra@DR Synergy meeting...

  • ResInfra@DR - partners contributed to the final conference hosted by D-STIR project
    - 04-07-2019
    partners contributed to the final conference hosted by D-STIR project

    The final conference of the D-STIR project was organised on 26 June 2019 in Braila, Romania and brought together representatives of media, general public as well as project’s stakeholders and project partners. The conference was hosted by lead...

  • ResInfra@DR - Info session in Belgrade - Review
    - 04-07-2019
    Info session in Belgrade - Review

    The University of Belgrade hosted together with the Ministry of Education, Science and Techological Development, Serbia (MESTD) and the EUSDR priority Area 7 (PA7) an information event informing about the ResInfra@DR project. Together with the...

  • INDEED - JULY 01, 2019 │Celebrating one year of INDEED (DTP)
    - 04-07-2019
    JULY 01, 2019 │Celebrating one year of INDEED (DTP)

    One year ago, INDEED started as a novel project aiming at innovating dementia care in the Danube Region.  By building skills, enhancing collaboration and fostering entrepreneurial activity among professional groups in health and social care,...

  • ResInfra@DR - at the EUSDR Annual Forum 2019 - Review
    - 04-07-2019
    at the EUSDR Annual Forum 2019 - Review

    As a key event of the 2019 EUSDR Presidency, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania, the European Commission and the DTP were jointly organizing the 8th Annual Forum on the 27-28 June 2019 in the beautiful Palace of Parliament, under the...

  • MOVECO - Cross-country Road Maps
    - 04-07-2019
    Cross-country Road Maps

    How can Circular Economy in the Danube region be accelerated? What role play raw material providers, procurers and households in such an acceleration? How can they contribute to circular economy, eco innovation and waste management in each...

  • MEASURES - 2019 Danube Day celebrated with the first Nature Triathlon “Free Danube”
    - 04-07-2019
    2019 Danube Day celebrated with the first Nature Triathlon “Free Danube”

    We congratulate our Bulgarian team who organized the first Nature Triathlon “Free Danube”. It was held in the city of Ruse, Bulgaria, on the 29th of June. Nearly 70 participants, residents and visitors of the city of Ruse, took part in this green...

  • Excellence-in-ReSTI - 30 participants from 14 countries awarded for successfully completing ReSTI programme
    - 03-07-2019
    30 participants from 14 countries awarded for successfully completing ReSTI programme

    After two semesters, 5 modules and 20 courses we are happy to award 30 pilot participants who successfully completed the programme.  “Today we are basically celebrating the end of the project Excellence-in-ReSTI which was...

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)