Programme and project news and events

    - 30-06-2019

    The 1st Advisory Group Meeting within InnoSchool project, that took place on May 27th, 2019, in Ungheni, Republic of Moldova, brought together representatives of the Ungheni Education Department, teachers and students as well as representatives...

  • FORESDA - Annual Forum of EUSDR
    - 29-06-2019
    Annual Forum of EUSDR

    As a key event of the 2019 EUSDR Presidency, under the Romanian EU Council Presidency, the Ministry of the Foreign Affairs of Romania, the European Commission, and the Danube Transnational Program are jointly organizing the 8th Annual Forum on...

  • FORESDA - Clusters have a Significant Role in the Process of Transition towards Bioeconomy
    - 29-06-2019
    Clusters have a Significant Role in the Process of Transition towards Bioeconomy

    Bioeconomy often implicates reusing and recycling of the products, with the main aim to extend the life cycle of the products and resources. By gathering all relevant stakeholders of the regional innovation system based on the triple- or...

  • FORESDA - New Project Proposals for the DTP 3rd Call
    - 29-06-2019
    New Project Proposals for the DTP 3rd Call

    The first step of the third call for proposals of the Danube Transnational Programme was launched on 28th of January 2019 and it lasted open until 8th of March 2019. 276 submissions were received by the deadline. The Specific Objective 2.2...

  • FORESDA - Croatian Pilot Project Presented in Bruxelles
    - 29-06-2019
    Croatian Pilot Project Presented in Bruxelles

    At the invitation of the European Commission, the Croatian Wood Cluster presented a pilot project Increase the Level of Work safety to increase the Energy Efficiency, which is being carried out within the framework of FORESDA project. Namely,...

  • FORESDA - The Time to shape the Future is Now
    - 29-06-2019
    The Time to shape the Future is Now

    The FORESDA project partners are aware that if we want to initiate the major changes and boost the cross-sectoral collaboration and R&D activities within forest-based industries, we have to act now towards pupils and students. In order to reach...

  • FORESDA - Show Will go On!
    - 29-06-2019
    Show Will go On!

    To ensure the sustainability of the project results beyond the project timeframe is always a challenge, but FORESDA project manages to solve it on several levels. One of the methods is the establishment of the three Collaboration Networks (CNs)...

  • FORESDA - Innovation is not a Project, it's a Mindset!
    - 29-06-2019
    Innovation is not a Project, it's a Mindset!

    A conference "Wood and Innovation" was organized in Opatija on 4th of June. The focus of the conference was put on the innovations which result from the collaboration of forest-based industries with other industries. The main objective was to...

  • TRANSGREEN - 8th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region
    - 28-06-2019
    8th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region

    June 27th 2019. Bucharest, Romania. During its last days of implementation, TRANSGREEN project representatives accepted the invitation to present its results in the session of EUSDR Workshops on the Capitalization of DTP Interreg projects. In...

  • D-STIR - At the end D-STIR crossed EU borders again
    - 28-06-2019
    At the end D-STIR crossed EU borders again

    D-STIR project was presented at the IPC 2019 conference, which is the biggest probiotic event focused on basic research at the world. Martin Haranta from Slovakian partner CSL made D-STIR presentation during new kind of workshop called BY...

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)