Programme and project news and events

  • Danube Floodplain - Treat our rivers better – Danube Day 2019
    - 28-06-2019
    Treat our rivers better – Danube Day 2019

    The Danube Day, the celebration of the Danube Basin countries is on the 29th of June each year. On this day we jointly commemorate one of Europe's greatest river systems and the people and wildlife that rely on it. The Danube Floodplain project...

  • ECO KARST - ECO KARST Final Conference: The Future of Pro Biodiversity Businesses in Protected Areas of the Danube region
    - 28-06-2019
    ECO KARST Final Conference: The Future of Pro Biodiversity Businesses in Protected Areas of the Danube region

    ECO KARST project has come to the successful ending and the Final conference was held in Postojna, Slovenia. Around 100 project partners, experts, academia, government officials, entrepreneurs and other stakeholders from 10 different countries...

  • ECO KARST - Pro Biodiversity Award in the Bükk National Park
    - 28-06-2019
    Pro Biodiversity Award in the Bükk National Park

    Activities in protected natural areas can only be successful if the people living there find the opportunity for improving their lives while respecting the law of nature. In protected areas, certain activities are limited by nature conservation...

  • LENA - Final Press Event in the Danube Park in Tuttlingen: Despite massive cloudburst cyclists attended rally
    - 28-06-2019
    Final Press Event in the Danube Park in Tuttlingen: Despite massive cloudburst cyclists attended rally

    Tuttlingen. New offers for cyclists and tourists and especially for e-bikers – that are the results of the LENA project. On Saturday, May 25, was taken stock of the project within a final press event in the Danube Park.   The most hart-bitten...

  • ECO KARST - The best PBB entrepreneurs awarded in Croatia
    - 28-06-2019
    The best PBB entrepreneurs awarded in Croatia

    As ECO KARST project is coming to an end, a press conference and PBB award ceremony was held in Žumberak-Samoborsko gorje Nature park. The event was a part of the whole-day programme organized to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the...

  • MEASURES - Coordination meeting – June 25th 2019, Vienna
    - 28-06-2019
    Coordination meeting – June 25th 2019, Vienna

    After one year through our endeavour, the “Sturgeon Team” gathered at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) headquarters in Vienna to summarize the achievements and further planning of the remaining two years of project...

  • InnoHPC - Webinar - Software for Linear Algebra Targeting Exascales (SLATE) Project
    - 28-06-2019
    Webinar - Software for Linear Algebra Targeting Exascales (SLATE) Project

    We would like to invite you to the webinar - Software for Linear Algebra Targeting Exascales (SLATE) Project. In this 30 minute live webinar, we will discuss the SLATE Project. SLATE is to provide fundamental dense linear algebra capabilities...

  • ECO KARST - Pro Biodiversity Award Ceremony organized in Apuseni Nature Park
    - 28-06-2019
    Pro Biodiversity Award Ceremony organized in Apuseni Nature Park

    Between April and May 2019 the Apuseni Natural Park Administration organized a competition within the ECO KARST project, whose purpose was to identify local businesses that correspond to the Pro Biodiversity model. To participate in this contest,...

  • ECO KARST - Kalkalpen National Park awarded four entrepreneurs with Pro Biodiversity Business Award
    - 27-06-2019
    Kalkalpen National Park awarded four entrepreneurs with Pro Biodiversity Business Award

    Strengthening awareness of biodiversity conservation is a major concern of the Kalkalpen National Park. Within the ECO KARSTS project, four Pro Biodiversity companies were awarded for the highest contribution to the sustainable development of the...

    - 27-06-2019

    On the link below you can find a short video about the results of the ACCELERATOR project.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)