Programme and project news and events

  • DANUrB - DANUrB Kids Day 2019_Vidin-Calafat
    - 24-06-2019
    DANUrB Kids Day 2019_Vidin-Calafat

    The inclusive cross-border festival “DANUrB Kids Day” was held on the International Children’s Day 1st June 2019 in Danube twin-cities Vidin and Calafat. As a part of the activities, the DANUrB Travelling exhibition was accommodated in a very...

  • Sava TIES - Awareness raising events at SNR "Obedska bara"
    - 24-06-2019
    Awareness raising events at SNR "Obedska bara"

            During the April and May at SNR „Obedska bara“ within the Sava TIES project, several...

  • Sava TIES - Students exploring the invasive species in the Zasavica Special Nature Reserve
    - 24-06-2019
    Students exploring the invasive species in the Zasavica Special Nature Reserve

            Students from primary school...

  • SENSES - REGIONAL STAKEHOLDER MEETING and study visit in Croatia
    - 24-06-2019
    REGIONAL STAKEHOLDER MEETING and study visit in Croatia

    Our Croatian partners held their last Regional Stakeholder Meeting in Varaždin. Kristina and Ivan presented the project  SENSES and the Regional Action Plan on the meeting of regional coordinators for north Croatia. They once more informed...

  • SENSES - e-learning platform for SOCIAL ENTERPRISES
    - 24-06-2019
    e-learning platform for SOCIAL ENTERPRISES

    Do you have a great idea about how to resolve the problem in your community? Social enterprise would be a perfect start but you don`t know how to set it up and maintain it?  Our e-learning course is HERE to help!

  • DANUrB - INVITATION_DANUrB Closing Conference
    - 24-06-2019
    INVITATION_DANUrB Closing Conference

    Hereby we would like to cordially invite you to our Closing Conference of the DANUrB - Danube Urban Brand project which will be held on 28 June 2019 in Komárno, Slovakia. We are looking forward to seeing you again. Program of the Closing...

    - 23-06-2019

    One of the last activities in DA-SPACE was a transferability workshop with partners from Montenegro. Montenegro is with only 650.000 inhabitants the smallest country of the Danube region, located between the Danube river Basin and the Adriatic...

  • WOMEN IN BUSINESS - Thematic Capitalisation Workshop, Budapest, Hungary
    - 23-06-2019
    Thematic Capitalisation Workshop, Budapest, Hungary

          The Chance 2.0 Thematic Capitalisation Workshop took place on 19th of June 2019 in Budapest, Hungary, hosted by the IFKA Public Benefit Non-Profit Ltd. for the Development of the Industry. After the official welcome speech of Mike...

  • InnoSchool - Advisory Group meeting in Košice, Slovakia
    - 23-06-2019
    Advisory Group meeting in Košice, Slovakia

    The first Advisory group meeting took place on 11th of June 2019 on the premises of Košice Self-governing Region. It hosted 12 participants from various areas, such as education, public, social sphere and business. The participants were active...

  • ACCELERATOR - The Serbian Pilot
    - 22-06-2019
    The Serbian Pilot

    Development agency of Serbia is probably the first institution in Serbia that implemented acceleration program. The focus of the pilot was on the IT and creative industries. By having in mind that a pilot project was not feasible to include whole...

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)