Programme and project news and events

    - 29-04-2019

    The Slovak project partner Neulogy organized their 1st Regional Allliance meeting as well as their 1st Regional Networking Event on 28.02.2019 in Bratislava, Slovakia. The partner opened the events  with the RA meeting and started with the...

  • ConnectGREEN - Western Carpathians pilot area: Czech-Slovak partners meeting
    - 29-04-2019
    Western Carpathians pilot area: Czech-Slovak partners meeting

    On 26th of March 2019, ConnectGREEN project partners from the Czech Republic and Slovakia met to discuss in detail the methodology and plan for activities in the project pilot area. The meeting followed the national meeting in Vsetín, Czech...

  • FORESDA - Conference on Innovations and Cross-sectoral Collaboration in Opatija
    - 29-04-2019
    Conference on Innovations and Cross-sectoral Collaboration in Opatija

    A conference "Wood and Innovation" will be organized in Opatija on 4th of June. The focus of the conference are innovations which result from the collaboration of forest-based industries with other industries. The main objectives are: To...

  • Made in Danube - Open Innovation World Cafe in Vinkovci, Croatia - May 9th 2019
    - 29-04-2019
    Open Innovation World Cafe in Vinkovci, Croatia - May 9th 2019

    Invitation to workshop „Open Innovation World Café“ Excellent Pub, Square Josip Šokčević 2, 32 100 Vinkovci, Croatia 9th May 2019, 10:00 - 13:00 The development of new products and innovative services in the area of bioeconomy by...

  • REDISCOVER - Coming soon …
    - 29-04-2019
    Coming soon …

    The implementation of the project REDISCOVER has reached its first important stage, as project partners are coming close to finalising their local repositories of Jewish Cultural Heritage. This will lay the foundations of the product development...

  • REDISCOVER - Walkshop at Timisoara
    - 29-04-2019
    Walkshop at Timisoara

    In the framework of the project REDISCOVER, a WALKSHOP was organized for project partners by the Municipality of Timisoara in cooperation with the Jewish Community of the city. The walkshop, guided by Rabbi Zvika Kfir and Mr Gabriel Székely was...

  • REDISCOVER - Local Stakeholder Meetings held at REDISCOVER project partners
    - 29-04-2019
    Local Stakeholder Meetings held at REDISCOVER project partners

    In line with the project’s main objective to build on currently undiscovered potential in the Jewish cultural heritage of cities, and develop contemporary tourism solutions, as a start of the thematic activities of the project, a community...

  • REDISCOVER - REDISCOVER project launched
    - 29-04-2019
    REDISCOVER project launched

    In the framework of the Environment and culture responsible Danube region Priority of the Interreg Duna Transnational Program, the project REDISCOVER, (Rediscover, expose and exploit the concealed Jewish heritage of the Danube Region,...

  • The natural treasures along the Danube – Visit in Vienna
    - 29-04-2019
    The natural treasures along the Danube – Visit in Vienna

    25th of April we had opportunity to participate in the event “Cycling the Danube. A trip to the natural treasures along the Danube”. As a part of the Danube-wide bicycle expedition, organised by DANUBEparksCONNECTED from April to June 2019, the...

  • CHESTNUT - Electric wheels on the road in Weiz
    - 28-04-2019
    Electric wheels on the road in Weiz

    As part of the Weizer bicycle day organized by the City Mobility Office under Barbara Kulmer, three e-cargo bikes were handed over as a part of the Interreg Danube Project Chestnut. In the future, delicatessen Bleykolm, a grocery shop,...

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)