Programme and project news and events

  • Danube Floodplain - NATIONAL KICK-OFF EVENT IN BULGARIA, 23.01.2019
    - 09-05-2019

    The Danube River Basin Directorate as a partner in the project "Reducing the flood risk through floodplain restoration along the Danube River and tributaries" organized the national kick-off event on January 23, 2019 in the town of Pleven,...

  • InnoSchool - Advisory Groups ready to get started
    - 08-05-2019
    Advisory Groups ready to get started

    As the basic concept of the InnoSchool Learning System (ILS) was drafted, InnoSchool project will now focus on a new significant action: establishing and conducting the territorial regional Advisory Groups (AG). In each territory, Advisory...

  • NETWORLD - WW1 Mobile App in Bulgaria
    - 08-05-2019
    WW1 Mobile App in Bulgaria

    Regional Museum of History – Dobrich successfully implemented the planned activities connected with WWI mobile application testing. Some youth workers were chosen as moderators to work together with students. More than ten different meetings were...

  • NETWORLD - In Zadar, Croatia
    - 08-05-2019
    In Zadar, Croatia

    The Institution for development of competence, innovation and specialisation of Zadar County (INOVAcija) continuous its efforts to disseminate NETWORLD related information, especially to young people in Zadar, Croatia.  On the pictures: NETWORLD...

  • EcoInn Danube - Successful eco-tax initiative in Serbia
    - 08-05-2019
    Successful eco-tax initiative in Serbia

    At the initiative of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce (SCC) and the industry sector, the Serbian Government adopted a Regulation on the criteria for determining activities that affect the environment according to the amount of pollution, which for...

  • Celebrate the Day of Europe participating to the Interact AMATEUR VIDEO COMPETITION !
    - 13-05-2019
    Celebrate the Day of Europe participating to the Interact AMATEUR VIDEO COMPETITION !

    Happy Day of Europe! The Danube Transnational Programme wants to celebrate this important day joining the new Interact Programme initiative. Interact Programme launched an amateur video competition to celebrate European Cooperation Day 2019....

  • ResInfra@DR - WP 5 Pilot Activity 2: External Experts’ working visit to IFIN-HH / ELI-NP in Magurele, Romania
    - 07-05-2019
    WP 5 Pilot Activity 2: External Experts’ working visit to IFIN-HH / ELI-NP in Magurele, Romania

    In the framework of the project ResInfra@DR, the Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding (UEFISCDI) and Horia Hulubei National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering (IFIN-HH) organized on May 6...

  • InnoSchool - Defining and understanding InnoSchool Learning System concept in different educational frameworks
    - 07-05-2019
    Defining and understanding InnoSchool Learning System concept in different educational frameworks

    The InnoSchool project team, under the close coordination of Board of Education for Vienna, European Office has reached these days, an important step in the process of developing the InnoSchool Learning System (ILS). After an intense interaction...

  • EcoInn Danube - Carsharing in Brno
    - 07-05-2019
    Carsharing in Brno

    In Brno is expanding carsharing service AJO. It is a new alternative to owning a car. It can be rented for one hour, more hours or few days. You can book a car in few minutes or particular car a few weeks in advance. The car can be taken over and...

  • CityWalk - Successful action "Bike through the City" in Valjevo
    - 06-05-2019
    Successful action "Bike through the City" in Valjevo

    April and May are the months in which the City of Valjevo organizes public events for the promotion of urban mobility of citizens in the framework of the international project City Walk. On Saturday, April 20th 2019, a successful promotional...

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)