Programme and project news and events

  • AgriGo4Cities - Official Invitation - Awarding Ceremony of the Trophies & Diplomas of Excellence ”Social & Economic Innovation in the Black Sea Basin - Danube Region”
    - 14-05-2019
    Official Invitation - Awarding Ceremony of the Trophies & Diplomas of Excellence ”Social & Economic Innovation in the Black Sea Basin - Danube Region”

    Official Invitation - Awarding Ceremony of the Trophies & Diplomas of Excellence ”Social & Economic Innovation in the Black Sea Basin - Danube Region” High Level International Stakeholders Event: ”Boosting transnational cooperation through...

  • CultPlatForm_21 - Please register! Final Conference, 22 – 24 May 2019, Regensburg, Germany
    - 14-05-2019
    Please register! Final Conference, 22 – 24 May 2019, Regensburg, Germany

    Visible Danube: Hidden Heritage as Future Potential in Culture and Tourism 22 – 24 May 2019, Regensburg, Germany The final transnational event in Regensburg will enhance the EU-wide visibility of the CultPlatForm_21 project by engaging...

  • DAREFFORT - 2nd Periodic Meeting in Bucharest is in two weeks!
    - 14-05-2019
    2nd Periodic Meeting in Bucharest is in two weeks!

    DAREFFORT's 2nd Periodic Meeting is only two weeks away! The Meeting will take place in Bucharest, Romania, 28-29 May. During the two days work package representatives will have the chance to report on the progress they made in the last few...

  • DTP participates in the EU Green Week
    - 15-05-2019
    DTP participates in the EU Green Week

    From May 13 to May 17 2019, the EU celebrates the #EUGreenWeek with a series of events, seminars and meetings for promoting and sharing EU environmental regulation and policies to face climate change and to support environmental projects and...

  • eGUTS - eGUTS - present at networking event „transnATional vernETZt: Klima & Energie“ in Wien
    - 13-05-2019
    eGUTS - present at networking event „transnATional vernETZt: Klima & Energie“ in Wien

    eGUTS project, together with all the other projects financed by Danube Transnational, Central Europe, Interreg Europe and AlpinSpace Programs involving Austrian participation, will be represented by YARDO Institute at the networking event...

    - 13-05-2019

    YOUMIG cities have spent the past two years exploring the topic of youth migration from many angles, locally. Now they have published the essence of this intellectual journey involving knowledge exchanges and stakeholder networking in an...

  • NETWORLD - Another stop of the exhibition "Maritime Education in Bulgaria and World War I" in Rousse, Bulgaria
    - 13-05-2019
    Another stop of the exhibition "Maritime Education in Bulgaria and World War I" in Rousse, Bulgaria

    After the presentation at the Historical Museum „Aleko Konstantinov”  in Svishtov from April 16 to 30, 2019, the exhibition "Maritime Education in Bulgaria and World War I" was opened on May 8, 2019 at Rousse Military Club. It will be exposed for...

  • CultPlatForm_21 - Discover the Project Documentation online
    - 13-05-2019
    Discover the Project Documentation online

    The Interreg project CultPlatForm_21 – the Danube Culture Platform – is dedicated to the hidden, forgotten, invisible cultural heritage of the Danube region. The project consortium has developed cooperation on culture and tourism with the aim of...

  • MOVECO - Exhibition on circular economy is now in Austria
    - 13-05-2019
    Exhibition on circular economy is now in Austria

    Our MOVECO team has created a mobile exhibition on "The circular economy in the Danube region". It is travelling across various countries along the Danube region. In Germany, Slovenia, Slovakia and Austria, each country presents circular...

  • Danube Energy+ - THE 1ST VERSION OF TOOL IS READY!
    - 10-05-2019

    We are finally so far to present the 1st version of the Danube Energy+ Tool to our Regional Alliance members in each partner country to get their fedback and improve the Tool. In order to present the 1st version of the Tool each project partner...

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)