lifelineMDD Protecting and restoring ecological connectivity in the Mura-Drava-Danube river corridor through cross-sectoral cooperation
Mura, Drava and Danube (MDD) form the lifeline of one of the most valuable river corridors in the Danube Basin. However, connectivity within the corridor is reduced due to human-made changes to rivers and their natural processes. While DTP-project coopMDD established a living cooperation between Protected Area managers and a Transboundary Management Programme for the planned 5-country Biosphere Reserve MDD, the knowledge base and transboundary cross-sectoral cooperation stays insufficient. This leads to unused opportunities for synergies between multiple aims in river management.
lifelineMDD addresses these issues with a cross-sectoral partnership, aiming to improve connectivity and biodiversity within the MDD river corridor by restoration of natural river dynamics. The development of a strategic integrated approach to river restoration in the transboundary bio-corridor will be based on scientific studies of bio-indicators fish and river birds and abiotic framework conditions sediment transport and climate change. A cross-sectoral learning process between nature protection and water management authorities based on pilot restoration actions will raise institutional competences and cooperation between key stakeholders. Involvement of NGOs, local and national policy levels will ensure sustainability of results by awareness raising in the local population and development of lasting stakeholder platforms.
By providing an integrated transboundary strategic framework for river restoration based on research, pilot restoration and joint learning, lifelineMDD will strongly contribute to the DTP objective of protecting and restoring ecological corridors and raise cooperation between main actors. The project contributes to close connectivity gaps defined in the EUSDR study “Ecological Connectivity in the Danube Region”, e.g. research gaps on complex ecological processes, cooperation gap between nature protection and other sectors, geographic gap on tributary rivers.

- Start date
- 01-07-2020
- End date
- 31-12-2022
- Budget in Euro
- Overall: 2987789.19
- ERDF Contribution: 2277239.14
- IPA Contribution: 262381.65
- ENI Contribution: 0
- Call number
- Call 3
- Priority
- Environment and culture responsible Danube region
- Specific objective
- Foster the restoration and management of ecological corridors
Filename | Date of upload | |
O.T2.4 River Restoration Strategy | 31-03-2023 11:03:10 | |
Living Waters (Laymans EN) | 26-01-2023 09:58:29 | |
Living Sediments (Laymans EN) | 26-01-2023 09:57:42 | |
D.T1.1.2 River breeding bird study | 17-01-2023 10:34:27 | |
D.T1.1.2 River breeding bird study Annex 7.1 | 17-01-2023 10:34:59 | |
D.T1.1.2 River breeding bird study Annex 7.2 | 17-01-2023 10:35:25 | |
D.T1.1.2 River breeding bird study Annex 7.3 | 17-01-2023 10:35:57 | |
D.T1.3.1 Synthesis Report on science based needs for action | 16-01-2023 10:48:00 |
Project Partners
Name | Type | Country | |
World Wide Fund for Nature Austria - WWF Austria | Lead partner | | Austria |
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna | ERDF partner | | Austria |
Regional Management SO | ERDF partner | | Austria |
Office of the Styrian Government – Department 14 Water Management, Resources and Sustainability | ERDF partner | | Austria |
Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Nature Conservation | ERDF partner | | Slovenia |
Project News
lifelineMDD - A big thanks to the lifelineMDD making MURA FESTIVAL 2022 in Slovenia happen
- 30-12-2022In the last year of the project lifelineMDD, 2022, IRSNC organized about 20 events in the frame of the Mura Festival. A major part of the events is planned for children from local schools where children can learn about the Mura River, typical...
- 29-12-2022MVP TAKE CARE OF STORKS AND MARSHY AREA ALONG THE ČRNEC STREAM The Municipality of Velika Polana (MVP) is aware of the importance of protecting the environment and taking care of protecting natural heritage in various actions. Together with...
lifelineMDD - Final activities on the restoration site in Serbia
- 29-12-2022Restoration activities in the Serbian pilot site Lovrenac have been executed on time, during August and September 2022. Together with our subcontractor, we decided that the third point on Lovrenac canal will be cleaned of excess vegetation and...
lifelineMDD - Check out winning photos from our photo competition!
- 23-12-2022Winning photos by Ivor Fisher. For more photos, please check out Facebok profile: Ivor Fisher
- 23-12-2022Bad Radkersburg, Austria – More than 100 scientists, nature conservationists, people working in public institutions, NGOs and local stakeholders, gathered in Bad Radkersburg for a 3-day conference “5-Country Biosphere Reserve Mura-Drava-Danube”....