Programme and project news and events

  • MELIA Observatory - Jean Monnet Academic MELI Module
    - 07-04-2021
    Jean Monnet Academic MELI Module

    One of the noticable projects dealing with medial litarcy on Faculty of Media in Slovenia - Ljubljana is the Jean Monnet MELI Module - MEDIA LITERACY MODULE FOR ACTIVE CITIZENS leading by the Profesor Dr. Mateja...

  • EcoVeloTour - More than 45 km of cycling signage renovated in Košice Region
    - 06-04-2021
    More than 45 km of cycling signage renovated in Košice Region

    Košice Region has finished the renovation of the signage for cyclist in the coridor of EuroVelo 11. The activity was planned within the project as a part of pilot investment with the aim to increase the quality of experince of the cyclists...

  • DanubePeerChains - New Project-Video
    - 06-04-2021
    New Project-Video

    Our new DanubePeerChains project-video is online! >> Project-video  

  • D2C - Learning by playing
    - 04-04-2021
    Learning by playing

    On the occasion of the World Wetland Day on 2 February 2021 and the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Ramsar Convention, the D2C project partner Public Institution for the Management of Protected Parts of Nature and Ecological Network of...

  • DanubePeerChains - Press Release DanubePeerChains
    - 02-04-2021
    Press Release DanubePeerChains

    Dear Readers! In this edition of the Press release we will present you a set of eight documents created by a partner consortium, focused on the market characteristics of the Danube region. >> Press release Nr. 2

  • lifelineMDD - Educational picture book
    - 02-04-2021
    Educational picture book

    Within the lifelineMDD project activities, the Public Institution for management of nature protected areas in Varaždin County has printed an educational picture book about river birds and their habitats on the river Drava in Varaždin...

  • Danube S3 Cluster - EUropean Clusters Excellence Labelling Structure (EUCLES) officially created
    - 01-04-2021
    EUropean Clusters Excellence Labelling Structure (EUCLES) officially created

    The EUropean Clusters Excellence Labelling Structure (EUCLES), an international non-profit association (AISBL under Belgium law) was officially created on February 12th 2021 with the publication of a royal decree, bringing together national...

  • EcoVeloTour - Košice Region presents the possibilities of Ecotourism development during the online conference
    - 01-04-2021
    Košice Region presents the possibilities of Ecotourism development during the online conference

    On 25th of February was held an online conference thought the platform ZOOM with the topic The possibilities of ecotourism development in Košice Region in Slovakia. Project EcoVeloTour and Ecotourism development strategy in Košice Region were...

  • SIMONA - 1st Training Event on Sediment Sampling held online
    - 01-04-2021
    1st Training Event on Sediment Sampling held online

    Due to the still ongoing Covid-situation all over the world and the resulting travel restrictions, the first SIMONA training event was held entirely online, on 25th March 2021. Since the topic of this first training event is sampling, we wished...

    - 31-03-2021

    In Vienna the InnoSchool Pilot started on the 3rd of November 2020 with 10 classes in 3 schools: Bundeshandelsakademie und Bundeshandelsschule Wien 10, International Business College Hetzendorf and Vienna Business School Schönborngasse. By the...

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)