Programme and project news and events

  • InnoSchool - The first Romanian InnoSchool Day Seminar
    - 10-07-2020
    The first Romanian InnoSchool Day Seminar

    The first Romanian InnoSchool Day Seminar   On the 8th of July, the Centre for Resources and Educational Assistance of Bihor County and the European Center for Socio Professional Integration ACTA organized the first InnoSchool Day Seminar...

  • REDISCOVER - Windows of Celebration
    - 10-07-2020
    Windows of Celebration

    Project REDICOVER: expose and exploit the concealed Jewish heritage of the Danube Region aims at capitalizing on this legacy by creating value in social cohesion, tourism potential and cultural abundance. Following the aims of the project, we...

  • KnowING IPR - 13th International Technology Transfer Conference
    - 10-07-2020
    13th International Technology Transfer Conference

    The KnowING IPR project is participating at the 13th International Technology Transfer Conference, which will be held from the 8th to 9th of October 2020 at the Jožef Stefan Institute (Jamova cesta 39, Ljubljana, Slovenia), Grand lecture room,...

  • Danube Floodplain - Second Year Review and Project Meeting
    - 09-07-2020
    Second Year Review and Project Meeting

    The Second Year Review and Steering Committee meeting took place on 9-10 June 2019, this time on Zoom, due to the emergency situation caused by Covid-19. Similarly to last year, it was a joint event that focused on the progress of the activities,...

  • D2C - Night Life of Birds in the Őrségi National Park
    - 08-07-2020
    Night Life of Birds in the Őrségi National Park

    If we think of owls, we imagine them as secretive creatures in the dark rather than daytime birds. Most of them, indeed, are active in the dark. What do you think, are there any other birds that can be seen out there at night? As part of the...

    - 07-07-2020

    Save the date #EURegionsweek We will be there, what about you?

    - 07-07-2020

    SAVE THE DATE! #EURegionsWeek We will be there, what about you?    

  • RADAR - Road Safety will be vital in post CoronaVirus era in the EU
    - 07-07-2020
    Road Safety will be vital in post CoronaVirus era in the EU

    The European Commission has published important common principles that the European Union Member Stated agreed upon to keep all road users safe in the post-pandemic era.   The COVID crisis had an unprecedented impact on transport and...

  • InnoSchool - Law on Social Entrepreneurship in the Republic of Srpska
    - 07-07-2020
    Law on Social Entrepreneurship in the Republic of Srpska

    Law on Social Entrepreneurship in the Republic of Srpska During the organization of the Ministry of Economy and Entrepreneurship of the Republic of Srpska, presentation of the draft ,,Law on Social Entrepreneurship” was conducted on Friday,...

  • Finance4SocialChange - How to reach investors and customers with good storytelling if you are a social enteprise?
    - 07-07-2020
    How to reach investors and customers with good storytelling if you are a social enteprise?

    With storytelling, we create impact, awareness, and even a change of attitude. According to some studies, whatever you tell through a story, it is remembered twenty times more than if you just use facts and figures. Within the...

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)