Programme and project news and events

  • REDISCOVER - Shalom Jerusalem - Jewish festival in Timisoara
    - 21-08-2019
    Shalom Jerusalem - Jewish festival in Timisoara

    We are delighted to invite you to the first Jewish festival in Timisoara. The festival will take place on 1st of September, starting at 10.00 local time. The program will include the show of the Jewish Theatre from Bucharest with a famous...

  • Amazon of Europe Bike Trail - Meet the Project Partners - Entrepreneurs’ Centre of Somogy County Foundation (Hungary)
    - 20-08-2019
    Meet the Project Partners - Entrepreneurs’ Centre of Somogy County Foundation (Hungary)

    The Entrepreneurs’ Centre of Somogy County Foundation (SMVK) was established by the General Assembly of Somogy County in 1991 with the intention of supporting and strengthening the activities of small and medium-sized enterprises across the...

  • Amazon of Europe Bike Trail - International Amazon of Europe Biking Festival 2019 is in full swing!
    - 19-08-2019
    International Amazon of Europe Biking Festival 2019 is in full swing!

    Our International Amazon of Europe Biking Festival 2019 is in full swing! Our first cycling event in Velika Polana has succesfully finished, the next one is going to be happening this weekend, on Saturday 24th August in Osijek, Croatia!  You...

  • MOVECO - Environmental Management - What are EMAS, EU Ecolabel and GPP?
    - 19-08-2019
    Environmental Management - What are EMAS, EU Ecolabel and GPP?

    Environmental management is not different from other management methods that we encounter in everyday business. As it is necessary to monitor financial flows into and out of the company or to assure a certain level of product quality, it is...

  • GRENDEL - Save the date: Green Inland Shipping co-organized by EIBIP
    - 19-08-2019
    Save the date: Green Inland Shipping co-organized by EIBIP

    The EU plans to go climate-neutral by 2050. So does inland shipping! Come and discover the innovative inland vessels which have embarked on that journey and test solutions that bring pollution down too.  The European Inland Waterways...

  • SIMONA - The SIMONA Laboratory workgroup workshop will be held in Budapest
    - 16-08-2019
    The SIMONA Laboratory workgroup workshop will be held in Budapest

    The SIMONA Laboratory workgroup workshop will be held in Budapest at Szent István University on 26th and 27th of August. The workshop that will be dedicated to develop the laboratory protocol for the SIMONA project. On the first day there...

  • D2C - Field work continues in summer
    - 16-08-2019
    Field work continues in summer

    Also during summer, experts from NGO Ametyst work throughly in the field to learn more about nature in Green Belt. We visited together 15 selected localities accross Pilot Region 1at the Czech site. The area stretches from the very south in the...

  • MOVECO - Release of 6th Newsletter
    - 14-08-2019
    Release of 6th Newsletter

    MOVECO's sixth newsletter is out! We hope that you will enjoy reading the newsletter! Please click here to read full newsletter.     If you want to receive regular newsletters from MOVECO and get to know more about circular...

  • INDEED - JUNE 05, 2019 │SLOVAKIA│ Valuable exchange of didactic concepts and e-learning formats among DTP projects in Bratislava
    - 13-08-2019
    JUNE 05, 2019 │SLOVAKIA│ Valuable exchange of didactic concepts and e-learning formats among DTP projects in Bratislava

    Representatives of three DTP projects met up with the general public in Bratislava, Slovak Republic, on June 5 2019 in conjunction with the second partner meeting of the project INDEED. Organised by the INDEED project partner “Memory Centre...

  • Danube S3 Cluster - Transylvanian Clusters International Conference. Clusters: Ecosystems for Innovation and New Business
    - 13-08-2019
    Transylvanian Clusters International Conference. Clusters: Ecosystems for Innovation and New Business

    Transylvanian Clusters International Conference (TCIC) is an annual event organized by the Northern Transylvania Clusters Consortium, aiming to support the economic environment and to facilitate the international exchange of knowledge and...

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)