Programme and project news and events

  • Danube Energy+ - Romania held its first Regional Networking Thursday
    - 06-08-2019
    Romania held its first Regional Networking Thursday

    Romanian Startup Transilvania Center organized the country’s first Regional Networking Thursday in Cluj-Napoca jointly with the ClujHub professional community during the Town Hall event. During the Town Hall, a special “Spotlight” session allows...

  • INDEED - JUNE 13-14, 2019 │Bulgaria│National Conference on Neurology
    - 05-08-2019
    JUNE 13-14, 2019 │Bulgaria│National Conference on Neurology

    At the Bulgarian National Conference on Neurology on June 13-14 2019, neurologists met up in Sofia to discuss current developments in neurology with a special focus on Bulgaria. Experts from other countries such as Germany joined the event and...

  • INDEED - JUNE 04-05, 2019 │Slovakia│INDEED General Assembly 2 in Bratislava
    - 04-08-2019
    JUNE 04-05, 2019 │Slovakia│INDEED General Assembly 2 in Bratislava

    This summer started with important events for the INDEED project. We are at the beginning of August and we want to share with all those who follow our project the results of the first year of the project that were presented in the General...

  • Linking Danube - The concept of "Linking of Services" works!
    - 02-08-2019
    The concept of "Linking of Services" works!

    The concept of "Linking Services" as laid down in the EU Delegated Regulation 2017/1926 on the provision of EU-wide multimodal travel information services works! This was shown at the final event of the LinkingDanube project in Bucharest, held as...

  • Danube S3 Cluster - EREK International Conference: Make it happen with resource efficiency. Circular economy | Digitalisation | Industry 4.0 | Social economy
    - 01-08-2019
    EREK International Conference: Make it happen with resource efficiency. Circular economy | Digitalisation | Industry 4.0 | Social economy

    The European Resource Efficiency Knowledge Centre-EREK, along with its more than 60 members and 10 key partners welcome businesses, industries, business support organisations, and policy actors for a two-day international conference on...

  • DanubeSediment - How our project got active for a safer Danube
    - 01-08-2019
    How our project got active for a safer Danube

    Under this year’s motto „Get active for a safer Danube“, the DanubeSediment project partners took part in an array of Danube Day events and festivities. During these celebrations, our project focused on increasing awareness about the role and...

  • LENA - Promotional press tour in Serbia & press conference in Sombor
    - 01-08-2019
    Promotional press tour in Serbia & press conference in Sombor

    Press event was organized in the occasion of Danube Soya Field Days, organised within the LENA project. More than 200 people (producers, processors, traders of soybeans from the region) participated in this event having opportunity to meet the...

  • Danube S3 Cluster - The Danube S3 Cluster project, presented at the EUSDR Annual Forum
    - 01-08-2019
    The Danube S3 Cluster project, presented at the EUSDR Annual Forum

    Between June 27 and 28, 2019, Gilda Niculescu, Head of Development Department within South Muntenia Regional Development Agency, presented the Danube S3 Cluster project at the EUSDR Annual Forum, in Bucharest. The project was presented...

    - 31-07-2019

    Elzara Kadyrova, representative of Lead Partner, InnoEnergy GmbH and project coordinator of Danube Energy+, attended the Energy Business Camp that took place from 24.-28.07.2019 in the Karlsruhe region. The aim of this event was to inspire young...

  • D2C - What is new at the Croatian project partner?
    - 31-07-2019
    What is new at the Croatian project partner?

    The summer season is a period of holidays but also of intensive project work at the  New person was employed on the D2C project in March 2019 as a professional asisstent – biologist. She is a profesor of biology and chemistry, Tatjana...

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)