Programme and project news and events

  • RADAR - Road infrastructure safety training courses will continue in Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary and Serbia
    - 27-08-2019
    Road infrastructure safety training courses will continue in Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary and Serbia

    After recharging our batteries during summer holidays, RADAR project will continue with deployment of Road Safety Infrastructure Training courses with road authorities, national stakeholders, decision-makers, NGO’s and every other institution...

  • Sava TIES - Awareness raising activities and international camp on Obedska bara
    - 27-08-2019
    Awareness raising activities and international camp on Obedska bara

    The locality “Mouth of the Revenica river” at the Obedska Bara was the venue for the Sava TIES activities on Thursday, 22 August 2019, aiming to raise awareness of invasive species management. This was a good opportunity to pay attention to the...

  • DanubeSediment - Looking for partners in sediment research?
    - 27-08-2019
    Looking for partners in sediment research?

    Historically, human activities have changed the Danube and its tributaries. For example, straightening the river for flood protection, altering waterways for navigation or building dams hydropower generation: all these changes affect the natural...

  • SIMONA - Meeting Announcement: WP3 Workshop in Romania
    - 26-08-2019
    Meeting Announcement: WP3 Workshop in Romania

    A meeting within the Work Package 3 will take place in Baia Mare (Romania) on September 13th 2019. The work package 3 is dedicated to Inventory and case studies. The main resposible partner is RO-IGR (Geological Survey Romania). The following...

  • KnowING IPR - 2nd Action Plan Workshop in Kragujevac
    - 26-08-2019
    2nd Action Plan Workshop in Kragujevac

    Regional Economic Development Agency of Šumadija and Pomoravlje, as part of a consortium led by Faculty of Information Studies from Novo mesto (Slovenia) and partners from across the Danube Region, hosted second Action plan workshop on 30th of...

  • InnoSchool - Educational mapping in Serbia
    - 26-08-2019
    Educational mapping in Serbia

    This article is dedicated to the Serbian results in educational mapping and discusses the entrepreneurial education programs and initiatives. Entrepreneurial education Since 2018 entrepreneurship is a part of Elementary schools’ curricula...

  • InnoSchool - Educational mapping in Slovakia
    - 23-08-2019
    Educational mapping in Slovakia

    We continue publishing the results of the territorial educational frameworks mapping with Slovakia and the part that entrepreneurial education plays in the school curricula and the Slovakian students’ lives, introducing a new learning system to...

  • EcoVeloTour - New guidelines released - Learn more about ecosystem services based tourism
    - 21-08-2019
    New guidelines released - Learn more about ecosystem services based tourism

          Are you an expert in tourism or mobilty and developing an ecosystem...

  • RI2integrate - Closing event of RI2integrate project
    - 21-08-2019
    Closing event of RI2integrate project

    The RI2Integrate partnership invite you to the closing event of the project, dealing with better utilization of research infrastructures. ELI-HU Nonprofit Ltd., as the lead partner of the RI2integrate project implemented in the framework of...

  • RI2integrate - Knowledge transfer trainings on RI embeddedness
    - 21-08-2019
    Knowledge transfer trainings on RI embeddedness

    7 training  sessions of the RI2Integrate partnership is open for interested participants from all Danube countries.   The knowledge transfer trainings in Hungary, Romania, Czechia, Austria, Croatia, Slovenia and Ser aims at sharing and...

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)