Programme and project news and events

    - 11-06-2019

    Agency for economic development of the city of Prijedor „PREDA-PD” organized the first Advisory group meeting on June 10, 2019 for Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Advisory group consists of 10 members, representatives of relevant educational...

  • SIMONA - Project Presentation on the 7th Croatian Water Conference with international participation
    - 11-06-2019
    Project Presentation on the 7th Croatian Water Conference with international participation

    The 7th Croatian Water Conference with international participation was held in Opatija in the period from May 30 to June 1, 2019. The motto of the Conference was Croatian Waters in Environmental and Nature Protection, and thematically was based...

  • INSiGHTS - Project presented at an info day organised by the Government Office of the Slovak Republic
    - 11-06-2019
    Project presented at an info day organised by the Government Office of the Slovak Republic

    Pons Danubii EGTC has been invited to present the INSiGHTS project at an info day organised by the Government Office of the Slovak Republic. The event, which was organised for municipalities, took place in Košice (Slovakia) on 07 June 2019. There...

  • DanuBioValNet - The Danube region countries have taken up the bio-economic challenge
    - 11-06-2019
    The Danube region countries have taken up the bio-economic challenge

    Press Release Prague, 29. 5. 2019 - The countries of the Danube Region are rich in biomass resources, but the bioeconomic potential of these resources has not yet been exploited in a targeted way. One reason is the lack of coordination...

  • RADAR - RADAR (Risk Assessment on Danube Area Roads) feat RAP – PROMOTION MATERIAL
    - 10-06-2019
    RADAR (Risk Assessment on Danube Area Roads) feat RAP – PROMOTION MATERIAL

    RADAR project Partners (EIRA-EuroRAP) and Associated Strategic Partners (iRAP) have just released RADAR promotion material within Case Study: RAP Partnership Saving Lives., Below is the official promotion material released by RAP (EuroRAP and...

  • Sava TIES - Awareness-raising event
    - 10-06-2019
    Awareness-raising event

        VISIT TO THE KUTINA TECHNICAL SCHOOL IN CROATIA   On the occasion of the International Day of Biodiversity...

  • Sava TIES - World Environment Day marked by invasive plants
    - 10-06-2019
    World Environment Day marked by invasive plants

        Awareness-raising event in Velika Gorica,...

    - 10-06-2019
    MEET THE TEAM: WWF Romania

    WWF has been working in Romania since the 1990s and registered its office in 2006. Its main objectives are the conservation and restoration of biodiversity and ensuring sustainable development in the Danube-Carpathian region, called also the...

  • GREEN DANUBE - at Deltas & Wetlands Symposium
    - 10-06-2019
    at Deltas & Wetlands Symposium

    On June 7th during the 27th edition of the „Deltas & Wetlands” Scientific Event, the GREEN DANUBE project results were presented by the project manager to a large audience that included representatives of organisations from more than 10...

  • INSiGHTS - Strategy for Integrated and Sustainable Tourism of the Plovdiv District 2019-2025 adopted in Bulgaria
    - 10-06-2019
    Strategy for Integrated and Sustainable Tourism of the Plovdiv District 2019-2025 adopted in Bulgaria

    On March 26, 2019 in the building of the Regional Administration - Plovdiv a meeting of the Council for Regional Development of the Plovdiv Region (NUTS 3) was held. Mrs. Snezhana Alexandrova, Head of Coordination and European Integration...

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)