Programme and project news and events

  • ConnectGREEN - The National Ecological Network and its important role in Hungarian spatial planning
    - 06-06-2019
    The National Ecological Network and its important role in Hungarian spatial planning

    Conservation of ecologically valuable habitats can only be achieved as a result of the effective cooperation of nature conservation and spatial planning. In Hungary, this joint work is guided by the National Spatial Plan and the related Act,...

  • YOUMIG - Working Paper 4 completes the series
    - 06-06-2019
    Working Paper 4 completes the series

    YOUMIG has published Working Paper 4, the last in its Working Papers Series, with a focus on the meeting points between local development, policy and youth migration. ’Youth migration and local governance in the Danube region. Challenges and...

  • REDISCOVER - Pannonian Cemetery Days
    - 06-06-2019
    Pannonian Cemetery Days

    The event was organised by the City of Osijek municipal company Ukop Ltd. and Komunal magazine. The main issue was the management of the cemeteries and the financing of the infrastructure, the cemeteries as a mirror of cultural heritage, and one...

  • RI2integrate - Training Seminar on Science and Technology Parks: operation, financing, best practices and contribution to the development of Regional Competitiveness
    - 06-06-2019
    Training Seminar on Science and Technology Parks: operation, financing, best practices and contribution to the development of Regional Competitiveness

    The IFIN-HH RI2Integrate team cordially invites you to participate in the Training Seminar on Science and Technology Parks: operation, financing, best practices and contribution to the development of Regional Competitiveness. Paris...

  • DA-SPACE - CTU on the opening day of Innovation Week
    - 05-06-2019
    CTU on the opening day of Innovation Week

    CTU participated on the opening of Innovation Week on 20 th May 2019 in Forum Karlín. Innovation talks were provided by doc. Vojtěch Petráček, Rector of CTU and Lukáš Sedláček, founder of Innovation Week. Visitors had an opportunity to explore...

    - 05-06-2019

    Final brochure of the project Transdanube.Pearls  2,5 years of project partnership - 15 partners from 9 Danube countries - more than 20 Associated Strategic partners and various implemented pilot actions, elaborated guidelines for future work...

  • CrowdStream - Project achievements summarised in a leaflet
    - 05-06-2019
    Project achievements summarised in a leaflet

    In preparation for the Final CrowdStream Conference, which took place in Varna on May 28, 2019, CrowdStream consortium summarised project achievements in a leaflet. It was disseminated among conference participants and triggered lively...

  • TRANSGREEN - 400 reasons to celebrate and to worry about wolves @WorldEnvironmentDay
    - 05-06-2019
    400 reasons to celebrate and to worry about wolves @WorldEnvironmentDay

    400 wolves in Slovakia. Every year, on June 5th, the World Environment Day draws our attention towards nature's richness and the danger of losing it. To mark the event, we invited WWF Slovakia's large carnivores expert Jerguš Tesák to share his...

  • ResInfra@DR - Know-how exchange forum, 22-23 May 2019, Bratislava - press review
    - 05-06-2019
    Know-how exchange forum, 22-23 May 2019, Bratislava - press review

    Bratislava, Vienna – RESINFRA@DR Know-how exchange forum focused on Research Infrastructures (RI) mutual support activities in the Danube Macro-region hosted by RESINFRA@DR, took place on 22-23 May 2019 in Bratislava, Slovakia, in the Slovak...

  • DANUrB - PARTNER MEETING AND STUDY TOURS_Tulcea &The Danube Delta, Romania, May 18-21, 2019
    - 05-06-2019
    PARTNER MEETING AND STUDY TOURS_Tulcea &The Danube Delta, Romania, May 18-21, 2019

    The DANUrB partnership held its last meeting between May 18 and 21, 2019 in South-Eastern Romania. The four-day meeting and study tour took place in a setting exemplary of our DANUrB project – at the last section of the Danube River, in the city...

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)