Programme and project news and events

    - 03-06-2019

    Today, the 3rd of June is celebrated as World Bicycle Day. RADAR promotes active mobility for all, making cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable, by improving road safety especially for vulnerable road users...

  • REFOCuS - Walking the walk through the forest transects in Austria, Slovenia, Hungary, Croatia and Serbia
    - 03-06-2019
    Walking the walk through the forest transects in Austria, Slovenia, Hungary, Croatia and Serbia

    Previously we talked about need for walking through the forest transects for the purpose of collecting data about status of riparian forests in the Mura-Drava-Danube Biosphere Reserve. Finally, it is time to walk the walk! Our colleagues from BFW...

  • REFOCuS - Back alder plus tree selection in Serbia
    - 03-06-2019
    Back alder plus tree selection in Serbia

    ILFE has been very busy lately with selection of Black alder plus trees. This time they visited Bački Monoštor in the Mura-Drava-Danube Biosphere Reserve which is close to town of Sombor and Danube River. Plus trees are those trees that score...

  • URBforDAN - Great interest in URBforDAN at the 22nd European Forum on Urban Forestry
    - 03-06-2019
    Great interest in URBforDAN at the 22nd European Forum on Urban Forestry

      URBforDAN in Cologne     Slovenian partner in the URBforDAN...

  • ECO KARST - PBB Award Ceremony held in Bijambare Protected Landscape
    - 03-06-2019
    PBB Award Ceremony held in Bijambare Protected Landscape

    On April 25, 2018, a PBB Award Ceremony was organized by the Cantonal Public Institution for Protected Natural Areas Sarajevo and Center for Energy, Environment and Resources - CENER 21 in Bijambare Protected Landscape. The Minister of Spatial...

  • ECO KARST - PBB Award Ceremony held in Tara National Park
    - 03-06-2019
    PBB Award Ceremony held in Tara National Park

    Nature Protection Day, April 11 was celebrated in Tara National Park by awarding business ideas that will contribute to nature protection and enable sustainable use of natural resources at the same time. To live in the area of the National park,...

  • CityWalk - Project CityWalk presented at the Assembly of the Association of Towns and Municipalities of the Pilsen Region
    - 31-05-2019
    Project CityWalk presented at the Assembly of the Association of Towns and Municipalities of the Pilsen Region

    On March 22 2019, the national conference Assembly of the Association of Towns and Municipalities of the Pilsen Region took place. Filip Uhlík, director of Regional Development Agency of the Pilsen Region, CityWalk project partner, presented the...

  • InnoSchool - Social needs mapping – an InnoSchool analysis in Bosnia and Herzegovina
    - 31-05-2019
    Social needs mapping – an InnoSchool analysis in Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Within the framework of social needs month, interesting trends were identified in Bosnia and Herzegovina, on behalf of InnoSchool desk – research for the development of an Innovative Learning System for students’ entrepreneurship skills. The...

  • Excellence-in-ReSTI - Invitation and Agenda for the Final Event and Award Ceremony
    - 30-05-2019
    Invitation and Agenda for the Final Event and Award Ceremony

    Project Leader Partner Centre for Social Innovation (ZSI) and local host project partner Charles University (CUNI), on behalf of the whole project consortium, is pleased to invite you to the Excellence-in-ReSTI final event and award ceremony held...

  • InnoSchool - First InnoSchool Advisory Group Meeting in Belgrade, Serbia
    - 30-05-2019
    First InnoSchool Advisory Group Meeting in Belgrade, Serbia

    Regional  Agency  for  Development  and  European  Integration  (RADEI)  Belgrade  hosted its first Advisory Group (AG) meeting on May 27, 2019 in Belgrade, Serbia. The  Advisory  Group  was  established  with  an  aim  to  contribute ...

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)