Programme and project news and events

    - 01-04-2019

    RI2integrate team participated at the industrial modernization workshop in Florence organized by Trinno project. Industrial modernization is the actual process in relation to other global trends like Industry 4.0, Internet of Things or robotics....

    - 01-04-2019

    Danube SKILLS partner the School for Shipping, Shipbuilding and Hydrobuilding organised the second training session of the model course Human Resource Management and Social Responsibility on board – Management level, on March 15th  in Belgrade,...

  • DanuBioValNet - TOP bio-based products in the Danube Region
    - 01-04-2019
    TOP bio-based products in the Danube Region

    The partners of the DanuBioValNet project are proud to publish the first of its kind catalogue of TOP bio-based products in the Danube Region. It is a showcase of innovative solutions applying biological renewable resources in three...

  • RADAR - First RADAR Road Safety Infrastructure Training were successful!
    - 01-04-2019
    First RADAR Road Safety Infrastructure Training were successful!

    RADAR Project Partner, Automobile and Motorcycle Association of Slovenia (AMZS), presented the first Road Safety Infrastructure Training. It has been an inspiring three days of interacting with engineers, road designers, other experts involved in...

  • InnoSchool - A summary of Educational Framework Mapping
    - 01-04-2019
    A summary of Educational Framework Mapping

    Developing a highly innovative InnoSchool Learning System, in such a way as to be attractive towards secondary school students, impactful on educational curricula, aimed at strengthening the societal entrepreneurial spirit, must be built on...

  • InnoSchool - Hungarian students attitudes towards Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) and entrepreneurship
    - 01-04-2019
    Hungarian students attitudes towards Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) and entrepreneurship

    The Hungarian Central Transdanubian Regional Innovation Agency, a partner in the InnoSchool project, is committed to understand better the processes that shapes the every day life of local residents and determine the future of the region. CTRIA...

  • GREEN DANUBE - International Workshop for validation of Policy Agenda
    - 01-04-2019
    International Workshop for validation of Policy Agenda

    On March 28th within the GREEN DANUBE project an International workshop for Policy Agenda validation took place in Budapest.   Organised by the Hungarian project partners, REC and RSOE, the workshop got together representatives of...

  • InnoSchool - Meets Representatives of Romanian Ministry of Education
    - 30-03-2019
    Meets Representatives of Romanian Ministry of Education

    Sibiu, the European Gastronomic Region 2019, hosts on 29-31st of March, the National Conference entitled “University and pre-university centers meet at the counseling services confluence”, organized by The Romanian Counsellors Association and the...

  • DARLINGe - Transnational Danube Region Geothermal Strategy published
    - 29-03-2019
    Transnational Danube Region Geothermal Strategy published

    The Danube Region Transnational Strategy jointly elaborated by the six participating countries is based on the key results of detailed investigations that were performed on the entire project area covering key topics, such as the assessment of...

  • Danube Energy+ - Regional Networking Thursday held by the Ukrainian Partner
    - 29-03-2019
    Regional Networking Thursday held by the Ukrainian Partner

    The Ukrainian partner of the project European Initiatives Centre had their Networking Thursday Meeting on 17.01.2019, in Uzhhorod, Uzhhorod National University, Ukraine, within the 5th Regional Forum of local self-governments and NGOs...

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)