Output Library

Output Project Year
DANUrB+ Highlights Booklet_web_published.pdf (pdf 37.2 MB) DANUrB+ 2022
O.6.1 Danube Port Development Strategy & Action Plan (pdf 2.1 MB) DAPhNE 2019
O.5.2 Model architecture for Port Community System (PCS) (pdf 1.7 MB) DAPhNE 2019
O.4.3 Part1 - Green Port Policy Guidelines (pdf 977.3 KB) DAPhNE 2019
O.4.3 Part2 - Guidelines on Human Capacity Building in Ports (pdf 1.2 MB) DAPhNE 2019
O.4.2 Part2 - Recommendations for port management (pdf 1.2 MB) DAPhNE 2019
O.4.2 Part1 - Recommendations for enhancing port administration processes of Danube ports (pdf 438 KB) DAPhNE 2019
O.5.1 Part2 - New Markets Studies (pdf 1.5 MB) DAPhNE 2019
O.5.1 Part1 - Port Investment Guidelines (pdf 1.5 MB) DAPhNE 2019
O.3.1 Part2 National workshops - State aid (pdf 3.5 MB) DAPhNE 2018
O.3.1 Part1 National workshops - Legislation (pdf 3.4 MB) DAPhNE 2018
O.6.2 Danube Ports Network Concept (pdf 997.6 KB) DAPhNE 2018
O.3.2 Port legislation recommendations and State aid model (pdf 4.8 MB) DAPhNE 2018
Link of the e-learning course (pdf 107.2 KB) DAREFFORT 2021
Annex to Output 5.1 Dissemination and knowledge exchange workshops (pdf 463.8 KB) DAREFFORT 2021
D 5.1.2_Evaluation of questionnaire on hyd. information and forecast (pdf 287.6 KB) DAREFFORT 2021
Output 5.1_Expert workshops on knowledge exchange (pdf 11.1 MB) DAREFFORT 2021
D 5.3.1_Evaluation report of the pilot action (pdf 1.9 MB) DAREFFORT 2021
Output_5.2_Pilot action on limited external model access_Final (pdf 2 MB) DAREFFORT 2021
D 5.2.1_ Summary of good practices, recommendations in report format (pdf 4.2 MB) DAREFFORT 2021
Output 5.3. Guidelines on data management_Final (pdf 1.6 MB) DAREFFORT 2021
D 5.4.1_Structure and design of the e-learning tool (pdf 673.9 KB) DAREFFORT 2021
D 5.4.3 E-learning Test Reports (zip 2.1 MB) DAREFFORT 2021
Output 5.4 E-learning course_Information (pdf 663.1 KB) DAREFFORT 2021
D 5.5.1_DAFF event_minutes (1st event) (pdf 245.7 KB) DAREFFORT 2021
Output 5.5 Agenda_DAFF_(1st event) 05.02.2019 (pdf 878 KB) DAREFFORT 2021
D_4.1.1_Flood forecasting and IT expert recommendations_final (pdf 2.4 MB) DAREFFORT 2021
D_4.1.2_Data_Policy_recommendations_final (pdf 1.2 MB) DAREFFORT 2021
D_4.1.3_Hydrocode_Mapping FINAL (pdf 2.8 MB) DAREFFORT 2021
D_4.1.4_Evaluation report of questionnaire_final (pdf 600.3 KB) DAREFFORT 2021
Output 4.1 Annex Technical Facts of Each Country FINAL (pdf 672.3 KB) DAREFFORT 2021
Output 4.1 Annex Data Model for Common Data Exchange FINAL (pdf 715.6 KB) DAREFFORT 2021
Output 4.1 Policy Recommendations for Exchange of Data (pdf 1.7 MB) DAREFFORT 2021
D 4.2.1_Documentation_Observed_Software (pdf 1.7 MB) DAREFFORT 2021
D 4.2.2 User manual for software (pdf 240.9 KB) DAREFFORT 2021
D_4.2.3 Outlook on common data exchange or joint forecasting system FINAL (pdf 296 KB) DAREFFORT 2021
D 4.3.1. and D.4.3.2_ acceptance and delivery reports (zip 6.6 MB) DAREFFORT 2021
Output 4_2 Observed Data Exchange Software FINAL (pdf 1.3 MB) DAREFFORT 2021
D3.1.2_Map_meteorological_stations (pdf 718.2 KB) DAREFFORT 2021
D3.1.2_Map_hydrological_stations (pdf 704.1 KB) DAREFFORT 2021
D3.1.3_Evaluation_report_questionnaire (pdf 513.6 KB) DAREFFORT 2021
O3.1_Attachment_2_Questionnaire (pdf 394.3 KB) DAREFFORT 2021
O3.1_Attachment_1_Lists of stations_for_DanubeHIS (pdf 366.4 KB) DAREFFORT 2021
Output_3.1_Evaluation_report_on_flood_and_ice_forecasting_updated (pdf 3.5 MB) DAREFFORT 2021
D3.2.1_Elaboration_of_forecasting_conditions_final (pdf 5.9 MB) DAREFFORT 2021
D3.2.2_Evaluation of the forecasting system's result exchange platform (pdf 1.2 MB) DAREFFORT 2021
D3.2.3_Recommendations_for_improvement_UL_STASA_FINAL (pdf 209.5 KB) DAREFFORT 2021
D3.2.4_Geographically_referenced_dataset_of_gaps (pdf 5.5 MB) DAREFFORT 2021
D3.2.5_Economic impact analysis (pdf 2.1 MB) DAREFFORT 2021
Output_3.2_Common_vision_of_cooperation_UL_STASA_FINAL_updated (pdf 1.5 MB) DAREFFORT 2021

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)