Programme and project news and events

  • European Week of Regions and Cities: DTP projects can participate!
    - 10-03-2020
    European Week of Regions and Cities: DTP projects can participate!

    The "European Week of Regions and Cities", the biggest annual event based in Brussels dedicated to cohesion policy, has become a communication and networking platform bringing together regions and cities from all over Europe and...

  • Finance4SocialChange - Strong support for development of sustainable social enteprises and favourable ecosystems
    - 09-03-2020
    Strong support for development of sustainable social enteprises and favourable ecosystems

    Social enterprises need access to market, strong and dedicated education programs with a specific approach, and strong sustainable support. These are some of the conclusions made during expert discussions between FInance4SocialChange project...

  • RADAR - Just in time to celebrate the #InternationalWomenDay2020!
    - 09-03-2020
    Just in time to celebrate the #InternationalWomenDay2020!

    One of the many resolutions of 2020 Stockholm Declaration and reiterating the strong commitment to achieving global goals by 2030 connects the gender equality and road safety: Address the connections between road safety, mental and physical...

    - 06-03-2020

    Is your company an SME that has submitted a proposal in the framework of the H2020 SME Instrument that has been awarded with the Seal of Excellence? You can apply IPA4SME actions that support and facilitate the use of Intellectual Property by...

  • EcoVeloTour - Invitation to EcoVeloTour workshop in Ruse
    - 05-03-2020
    Invitation to EcoVeloTour workshop in Ruse

    We kindly invite all interested stakeholders to the 3rd EcoVeloTour workshop on cyclist ecotourism development to Ruse, Bulgaria 1-2 April 2020. The event is part of EcoVeloTour project activities on research and development of regional...

  • REFOCuS - Transboundary plus-tree selection continues
    - 05-03-2020
    Transboundary plus-tree selection continues

    Croatian Forest Research Institute continues with plus-tree selection for project’s target species (pedunculated oak, narrow-leaved ash, black poplar, black alder and field elm) in Croatia and helps project partners in Austria, Slovenia, Hungary...

  • GRENDEL - STEERER: Call for experts for the Green Shipping Expert Group and Scientific Committee of STEERER are now open!
    - 04-03-2020
    STEERER: Call for experts for the Green Shipping Expert Group and Scientific Committee of STEERER are now open!

    Do you want to be in the frontline of defining strategies, policies and R&D investment priorities that pave the way towards zero-emission waterborne transport? Applications to join the Green Shipping Expert Group and Scientific Committee of...

  • GRENDEL - NPS Diesel and Vink Diesel introduce standard MX engines which comply with the IWW Stage V emission legislation
    - 04-03-2020
    NPS Diesel and Vink Diesel introduce standard MX engines which comply with the IWW Stage V emission legislation

    Now that the inland navigation sector has to comply with the same emission standards as the industrial and agricultural sectors, transport over inland waterways is taking a big step forward. After four years of developing, the...

  • WOMEN IN BUSINESS - transnational workshop in Varna, Bulgaria
    - 03-03-2020
    transnational workshop in Varna, Bulgaria

    Varna Free University "Chernorizets Hrabar" hosted the the 1st Transnational workshop  and 5th Transnational Stakeholders Meeting in Varna between 25th-26th of February 2020 in Astor Garden Hotel. The progress in development of the training...

  • EcoVeloTour - EcoVeloTour - Košice Region involving the local community in ecotourism development
    - 03-03-2020
    EcoVeloTour - Košice Region involving the local community in ecotourism development

    When developing ecotourism, it is crucial to consider the opinion of the local community. During the elaboration of the Ecotourism strategy for Košice Region, we had decided that the best option to address it was by a survey. We had identified 4...

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)