EcoVeloTour - Invitation to EcoVeloTour workshop in Ruse


We kindly invite all interested stakeholders to the 3rd EcoVeloTour workshop on cyclist ecotourism development to Ruse, Bulgaria 1-2 April 2020.

The event is part of EcoVeloTour project activities on research and development of regional ecotourism products in the Danube region.

During the first day of the program (1 April) participants will visit Rusenski Lom Nature park. There will be a plenary session in the visitor center at Nisovo Village to discuss possible and future trends in the Danube region based on the SWOT-analysis of the Transnational Market Research elaborated by the project partners at University of Passau. The event will be followed by a terrain visit to the area of the Park guided by local cycling activist from Sdrujenie Velo-Ruse.

For the second day (2 April) participants return to the conference room in Ruse to go deeper in the topic of ecotourism planning in the regions addressed by the EcoVeloTour project with cases from Romania, Bulgaria and Hungary. Local experts will provide examples for Ecosystem Services concept implementation and provoke participants to identify potential PES schemes in their own regions.

Look at the agenda of the event here

The language of the event is English. 

This event is free of charge, but registration is compulsory.

Register here until 24th March 13:00 CET

We look forward to welcome you in Ruse,

The Organizers

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)