Programme and project news and events

    - 02-03-2020

    The Neolog Synagogue of Fabric District Timișoara, was built in the year 1898, by the prosperous local Jewish Community of the town quarter, which at that time declared itself as a Status Quo Ante Community. This meant that they did not want to...

  • Amazon of Europe Bike Trail - Meet the Project Partners - Iskriva, Institute for Development of Local Potentials (Slovenia)
    - 02-03-2020
    Meet the Project Partners - Iskriva, Institute for Development of Local Potentials (Slovenia)

    Last but not least are the Lead partner of the Amazon of Europe Bike Trail - Iskriva, Institute for Development of Local Potentials from Slovenia.  Iskriva is a globally recognized project management organization working on development...

  • GRENDEL - Save the date! Know-How Transfer Event on the Modernisation of the Danube fleet
    - 28-02-2020
    Save the date! Know-How Transfer Event on the Modernisation of the Danube fleet

    Hosted by the Danube Commission in Budapest on 1 April, the core objective of the event organised in the framework of the GRENDEL project in cooperation with the innovation centre INDanube, is to provide a platform for knowledge-transfer and...

  • DanubeChance2.0 - PTP organized the Module 1: Why start over ? on February 13th 2020.
    - 28-02-2020
    PTP organized the Module 1: Why start over ? on February 13th 2020.

    PTP organized the Module 1: Why start over ? Overcoming fears and heading towards success, on February 13th 2020, with 11 participants. Transform your fear into business / professional success, lecturer: Jose Antonio Morales It is...

  • InnoSchool - Why is InnoSchool unique and special?
    - 27-02-2020
    Why is InnoSchool unique and special?

    InnoSchool is a new and innovative learning system. It combines traditional classroom-based learning methods with digital elements in order to meet the needs of the school of tomorrow. This learning system is unique, mainly due to these important...

  • DanubeChance2.0 - RARS organized its first workshop within blended educational program
    - 27-02-2020
    RARS organized its first workshop within blended educational program

    Development Agency of the Republic of Srpska (RARS) organized its first workshop within blended educational program: Module 1: Why start over? Overcoming fears and heading towards success RARS organized the first module on 21st of...

  • Danube Energy+ - Open Call Deadline Extended!
    - 27-02-2020
    Open Call Deadline Extended!

    The deadline for the Open Call for Young Innovators' applications for the Danube Energy+ Tool Pilot is extended! Young Innovators from all 9 partnering countries can now apply until the 6th of March, while in some countries the deadline has...

  • Climate Change e- publication
    - 12-03-2020
    Climate Change e- publication

    Interact has just issued the publication "Interreg addressing Climate Change: the power of cooperation for a Greener Europe". The publication collects 37 examples of projects funded by different Interreg programmes which contribute with their...

  • DanubeChance2.0 - IFKA deliverd the 1st module of the Blended Learning Experience Programme.
    - 26-02-2020
    IFKA deliverd the 1st module of the Blended Learning Experience Programme.

    On 7th and 8th November we launched our Blended Learning Experience Programme. IFKA’s group delivered the very 1st module for re-starter entrepreneurs in Budapest. The module’s topic was: „Why start over? - Overcoming fears and heading...

  • D2C - Croatia: Educational workshop on the occasion of the World Wetlands Day
    - 26-02-2020
    Croatia: Educational workshop on the occasion of the World Wetlands Day

    The Dare to Connect project is not only scientific, but also educational one. For example, very useful workshop about wetlands was held in Educational Centre Drava Story in Virovitica in Croatia. Pupils of 1. to 4. grades nearby schools...

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)