Amazing AoE Responsible Green Destination Amazon of Europe
UNESCO Transboundary Biosphere Reserve Mura Drava Danube (TBR MDD) is connecting 12 protected areas and uniting 5 countries along 3 rivers into first world pentalateral biosphere reserve. The area known as Amazon of Europe (AoE) represents the largest and most preserved free-flowing river system in Central Europe. Pristine natural beauty, endangered habitats and diverse cultural traditions have enormous potential for sustainable tourism, while underdeveloped border regions face lack of capacities, unemployment and emigration.
DTP project AoE Bike Trail is the first development project in TBR MDD, connecting key stakeholders into one linear biking product. The results (network, booking system, valorisation programme) will be substantially upgraded with this project into truly responsible destination AoE, by developing much-needed joint strategies, IT solutions and learning interactions at significantly broader destination level.
Project aim is to enhance sustainable economic growth and tourism development based on distinctive natural and cultural heritage, which will result in collaboration network of key actors and enabling environment for high-quality tourism, responding to limited resources of ecosystems.
AoE destination will be a joint and integrated solution for sustainable tourism, including:
- Green Destination Tourism Impact Model, combining social and technological innovation;
- joint strategy and management model for the destination,
- joint flagship tourism products connecting top experiences along the rivers: River Trail, Hiking Trails, AoE Experiences,
- model validation in 2 transnational pilot areas and training stakeholders for responsible green destination.
Amazing AoE will bring sustainable development opportunities for managing diversity of natural and cultural heritage and resources in AoE from local to transnational level, while enabling unique experiences for international visitors.

- Start date
- 01-07-2020
- End date
- 31-12-2022
- Budget in Euro
- Overall: 2411290
- ERDF Contribution: 1865750
- IPA Contribution: 183846.5
- ENI Contribution: 0
- Call number
- Call 3
- Priority
- Environment and culture responsible Danube region
- Specific objective
- Foster sustainable use of natural and cultural heritage and resources
Filename | Date of upload | |
O.T2.7 Amazon of Europe Toolkit for Service Providers_shorter version | 11-05-2023 14:54:07 | |
O.T2.7 Amazon of Europe Toolkit for Service Providers | 11-05-2023 14:53:25 | |
OT3.5-Trainings_on_digital_innovation_of_heritage | 30-03-2023 13:42:53 | |
OT3.4 Joint concept on digital innovation of natural and cultural heritage in AoE | 30-03-2023 13:42:34 | |
OT3.2_Trainings_for_experts_in_RGD_TIM_model_application_at_regional_level | 30-03-2023 13:42:17 |
Project Partners
Name | Type | Country | |
Iskriva, institute for development of local potentials | Lead partner | | Slovenia |
Arctur Ltd. | ERDF partner | | Slovenia |
Municipality of Velika Polana | ERDF partner | | Slovenia |
West Pannon Regional and Economic Development Public Nonprofit Ltd. | ERDF partner | | Hungary |
CROST Regional Development Nonprofit Ltd. | ERDF partner | | Hungary |
Project News
Amazing AoE - Amazing AoE - 11th Steering Committee Meeting and Final Conference
- 09-01-2023Lenti, Hungary - UNESCO Transboundary Biosphere Reserve Mura Drava Danube (TBR MDD) is connecting 12 protected areas and uniting 5 countries along 3 rivers into world's first 5-country biosphere reserve. The area known as the Amazon of Europe...
Amazing AoE - Invitation: AoE Networking conference and Festival
- 18-10-2022Dear Amazon of Europe friends! We invite you to visit us in Osijek, Croatia. When? Wednesday, 19. 10. 2022 Where? Hotel Osijek, Šamačka 4 and Eco center Zlatna Greda We kindly invite you to a networking conference and a festival of the...
Amazing AoE - 9th SCOM and study visit in Mohács, Hungary
- 08-06-2022Our project partners met in Mohacs, Hungary from 24th to 25th May 2022 at the SCOM meeting and study visit. Main aims of the meeting were to present a progress and next steps for the Strategy development, next steps for the Sustainability and...
Amazing AoE - Amazon of Europe Amazing Moments – High-quality authentic experiences
- 01-06-2022Amazing Amazon of Europe Team was on a road in Croatia, Hungary, and Serbia from May 16th, 2022, till May 23rd, 2022, to test potential high-quality activities related to nature, culture and gastronomy which will enrich guests travel experience...
Amazing AoE - Journalists visited Amazon of Europe
- 17-05-2022We are delighted to announce that we had an opportunity to host media representatives from Kurier AT, / Nova TV HR, Kleine Zeitung AT, and last week on the Media tour, a tailored explorer tour whose...