Programme and project news and events

  • eGUTS - Merry Christmas
    - 25-12-2018
    Merry Christmas

    We would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year with full of energy!

  • SIMONA - attended the National participation day Danube Region
    - 24-12-2018
    attended the National participation day Danube Region

    SIMONA was invited to the 1st National day of Danube, which was held on November 15th at City Hotel in Ljubljana. The main purpose of the event was to find synergies, share good practices and take steps to counteract concrete cooperation.  On...

  • Sava TIES - X-mas card
    - 24-12-2018
    X-mas card

    Sava TIES team is wishing you a Merry christmas & Happy New 2019 Year!  

  • DA-SPACE - Training Mentors Workshop at “Dunărea de Jos” University of Galați
    - 21-12-2018
    Training Mentors Workshop at “Dunărea de Jos” University of Galați

    On Dec. 12, 2108, at the Faculty of Engineering of UDJG, the young talents from Romania, solvers of new challenges in the frame of DA-SPACE project, met on the Training Mentors workshop with their mentors from the companies that launched...

  • EDU-LAB - Priority Area 9 “People and Skills” International Stakeholder Conference in Vienna on 29 November 2018
    - 21-12-2018
    Priority Area 9 “People and Skills” International Stakeholder Conference in Vienna on 29 November 2018

    How can the EU ensure that people in the Danube region are equipped with relevant knowledge and skills that are in accordance with labour market demands? How to integrate vulnerable groups to the labour market? What are the challenges that...

  • URBforDAN - Intensive and fruitful partner meeting in Zagreb
    - 21-12-2018
    Intensive and fruitful partner meeting in Zagreb

      All partners assembled again     More...

  • ConnectGREEN - Big expectations for Piatra Craiului National Park as new methodology for ecological corridors identification will be designed for the Carpathian region
    - 21-12-2018
    Big expectations for Piatra Craiului National Park as new methodology for ecological corridors identification will be designed for the Carpathian region

    A more accurate picture of the large carnivores population and the ecological corridors, but also a set of management measures for the eco-corridors in the Piatra Craiului National Park are the main expectations for the park administration as...

  • RARE - Merry Christmas!
    - 21-12-2018
    Merry Christmas!

    We wish you all a happy Christmas!  

    - 21-12-2018

    On December 13, 2018, the DANUrB project partner National Institute of Research Development in Tourism (INCDT) organized a meeting with local stakeholders at the Cultural House in Calafat in order to identify the main issues within the local...

  • GRENDEL - Council adopted conclusions on inland waterway transport
    - 21-12-2018
    Council adopted conclusions on inland waterway transport

    Council conclusions on “Inland waterway transport – exploiting its full potential” were adopted on 3 December 2018. The conclusions acknowledge the significant contribution that this efficient, safe and sustainable mode of transport can make...

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)