Programme and project news and events

  • Danube Energy+ - Regional Alliances are being set up in each partner's country
    - 14-12-2018
    Regional Alliances are being set up in each partner's country

    The partners in the project Danube Energy+ are in a process of setting up Regional Alliances. The Regional Alliances will be established in each participating country by the end of December, 2018. Their role will be to actively participate in the...

  • Danube Energy+ - Regional Maps on Innovators Status Quo in Energy Efficiency are Being Prepared
    - 14-12-2018
    Regional Maps on Innovators Status Quo in Energy Efficiency are Being Prepared

    All partners under Danube Energy+ Project are working for the preparation of Regional maps showing regional frameworks, supporting policy tools, Young innovators´ current successful ventures in energy efficiency in the region and country and...

  • Amazon of Europe Bike Trail - Stakeholder Workshop in Apatin, Serbia
    - 14-12-2018
    Stakeholder Workshop in Apatin, Serbia

    Back in October, more precisely on 31st October 2018, the first project presentation and stakeholder workshop took place in Apatin, Serbia.  Photos by: The project Amazon of Europe was presented by...

  • InnoSchool - A good practice example at Interreg Central Europe and Interreg Danube workshop in Prague, Czech Republic on November 27th 2018
    - 14-12-2018
    A good practice example at Interreg Central Europe and Interreg Danube workshop in Prague, Czech Republic on November 27th 2018

    On Tuesday, November 27th, 2018, DEX Innovation Centre has proudly participated at the workshop related to the 4th - Capitalization call of the Interreg Central Europe programme and 3rd call of the Interreg Danube organized in Prague, the Czech...

  • DBS Gateway Region - DBS GATEWAY REGION - TRANSNATIONAL WORKSHOPS - Event News and Presentations
    - 14-12-2018

    More than 100 experts from Central and East European Countries came together on 14th November 2018 at the Hotel Sheraton in Novi Sad and on 15th November 2018 at the Port Authority/ Agency for Inland Waterways in Vukovar for the Transnational...

  • RARE - Firms prefers to hire Romani citizens in Slovakia
    - 14-12-2018
    Firms prefers to hire Romani citizens in Slovakia

    Some Slovak firms have decided to give long-term unemployed Romani people jobs instead of attracting foreigners from abroad for them, a decision being made at a time when more than 80 000 jobs remain unfilled in the country. "We see potential in...

    - 14-12-2018

    The SIMONA project was recently presented at the Capitalization Event of the Danubefloodplain project.  The event was held on November 27th, 2018 as a virtual event. The event was the opportunity to hear about other projects methods, results and...

  • Amazon of Europe Bike Trail - National participation day of the Danube Region in Ljubljana, Slovenia
    - 13-12-2018
    National participation day of the Danube Region in Ljubljana, Slovenia

    A while back, on 15th November 2018, we attended the National participation day of the Danube Region event, that took place in Ljubljana, Slovenia.  The event consisted of presentations of Danube Transnational Programme projects, that are...

  • Danube SKILLS - Pilot course in Galati, Romania
    - 13-12-2018
    Pilot course in Galati, Romania

    CERONAV organized on 11 and 12 December, in its premises in Galati, Romania, the pilot course on Safety practices for emergency situations during ship operation. Careful and minute planning, incorporating lessons learnt from former Train the...

  • EDU-LAB - International Conference on Dual Studies in Higher Education in KecskemĂ©t
    - 13-12-2018
    International Conference on Dual Studies in Higher Education in Kecskemét

    The John von Neumann University in Kecskemét, partner of the project EDU-LAB, hosted an international conference on dual/cooperative studies in higher education on 4th December 2018. The conference was organised in the framework of the...

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)