Programme and project news and events

    - 06-12-2018

    We want to distribute the knowledge that we gain through implementing the project. So, we will organize free workshops in all partner countries for the existing and potentially new social enterprises.  Workshops in Slovakia have already begun...

  • RADAR - World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims 2018 in Moldova
    - 06-12-2018
    World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims 2018 in Moldova

    RADAR project focuses on implementing learning and transnational cooperation activities to help the relevant organisations in the Danube area to identify risk on their road networks and help them reduce risk systematically by improving road...

  • Transdanube.Pearls - Project presented at the Danube Region Transport Days 2018
    - 06-12-2018
    Project presented at the Danube Region Transport Days 2018

    Transdanube.Pearls presented at the Danube Region Transport Days 2018 in Slovenia on 4 December 2018 Our Slovenian project partner from the Development Agency Sinergija took the great chance to present solutions from our project for...

  • RARE - Amaro Records
    - 06-12-2018
    Amaro Records

    "They did not look at the skin colour. There was enough work and the approach was simple : you want to work, come on, we'll try you and we'll give you the job." -says Rene Pustaj about his experience in England. Now he is the bartender at the...

  • AgriGo4Cities - Invitation to the Transnational conference of the AgriGo4Cities project
    - 05-12-2018
    Invitation to the Transnational conference of the AgriGo4Cities project

    Urban agriculture for changing cities:  Governance models for better institutional capacities and social inclusion  Venue: Budapest (exact venue will be announced later)  Date: 19th of March 2019  We kindly invite you to the final...

  • ResInfra@DR - Invitation to the Public Online Consultation on Guidance Documents for Research Infrastructures in the Danube region
    - 05-12-2018
    Invitation to the Public Online Consultation on Guidance Documents for Research Infrastructures in the Danube region

    During 4 dialogue workshops with policymakers, managers and stakeholders involved in the planning and operation of Research Infrastructures (RI) from across the Danube macro region, the ResInfra@DR project drafted three sets of guidelines on RI...

    - 05-12-2018


  • Danube S3 Cluster - Capitalization activity with COSME Programme in Brussels!
    - 05-12-2018
    Capitalization activity with COSME Programme in Brussels!

    Danube S3 Cluster project, member of Thematic Pole 1 - Innovative Ecosystems for SMEs, will be presented at the Enterprise Europe Network Sector Group Chair meeting in Brussels. Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) will organize during 11th...

  • Sava TIES - Pilot activities planning
    - 05-12-2018
    Pilot activities planning

    Considering the fact that invasive alien species (hereinafter: IAS) are among the two biggest global threats to biodiversity, posing as a huge ecological, economical and health threat, a special attention within DTP Sava TIES project is being...

  • Danube GeoTour - Successful extra meeting in Croatia from 26th – 28th November 2018
    - 05-12-2018
    Successful extra meeting in Croatia from 26th – 28th November 2018

      Interreg Danube GeoTour Project meeting in Papuk UNESCO Global...

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)