The interesting event was organized by Project Partner, The Romanian Sustainable Energy Cluster with the support of the Municipality of Timisoara to promote e-mobility by focusing on the small type electric vehicles – eBikes, eScooters, eSkateboard – as alternatives to conventional cars in urban environment in the near future. During the 6 hours long event more than 500 people tried and tested the electric vehicles provided by the partners. Visitors also had the chance to learn more about electric transport and the initiatives of the eGUTS project.
Mobility Festival/Burgenland/22.09
A 3 Nations E-Rally was organised by Project Partner Forschung Burgenland GmbH. The route of the rally started in Bruckneudorf (park and ride place) and continued to Deutsch Jahrndorf where the 3 Nations Corner (Austria – Slovakia – Hungary) is located. From there went on in Hungary from Rajka to Hegyeshalom, where the participants crossed the border to Austria to Nickelsdorf from where they returned to Bruckneudorf. With plenty of stops during 3 hours 15 electric cars took 92,3km long way. All participating eCars had Interreg DTP eGUTS logo on their front window and the drivers were pleased to inform visitors about facts and the benefits of having an eCar.
Day without car/Zadar/22.09.
With the purpose to achieve positive behavioural changes towards cleaner and more intelligent transport Project Partner City of Zadar with the cooperation of Zadar County Development Agency ZADRA NOVA organized a whole week to present sustainable mobility alternatives to residents. In order to raise the awareness of the visitors originators tried to involve them into engaging activities such as island cycling tour or different games for families. The city centre was car-free for one day and also public debates were held on sustainable transport.
Car-Free Day/Paks/22.09.
In the frame of the European Mobility Week Free Car Day organized by the local municipality Project Partner South-Transdanubian Area- and Economic Development Nonprofit Ltd promoted the eGUTS project and eGUTS First Pilot Action eCharger and eRental station installed in Paks. Beside gaining new information about the program and electric transport visitors also had the chance to try the new eBikes. Partners of the Municipality of Paks also offered other light electric vehicles - pedelecs, eBikes, eScooters - for a free ride.
„Travel to work but do not use a car”/Maribor/22.09
Project Partner University of Maribor took part in Mobility week held in Maribor. Under organisation of University’s faculties high-school students competed in electric bicycle build-off and have tested the performance of their e-bikes, and several lectures on diverse aspects of sustainable mobility were also given. University’s employees have participated in “Travel to work but do not use a car” and within the Mobility week participating employees have travelled almost 3.000 kilometres using sustainable modes of travel instead of cars.
eMobility Event/Olomouc/21.09.
Project Partner Transport Research Center in the frame of eMob Event also shared information about eGUTS project and offered pedelecs test drives and electric quads for children to try.
So after lot of exciting events what can those do who became a fan of eVehciles and can’t overcome of enthusiasm derived from new experiences?
a. Buy one electric vehicle
b. Wait for the next eMobility Week
c. or learn more about electric vehicles and transportation from eGUTS Training materials elaborated by University of Maribor and available in 9 languages via the following link:
In October eGUTS Project Partners held their 4rd Project Meeting in Parndorf to assess what progress has been made so far and to face upcoming tasks and challenges to further exploit potentials of e-mobility in Danube cities and beyond.