


The last semester has been the final part of our AGORA project. In the last 30 months, 10 cities of the Danube Region have been working on the regeneration of vacant/underused post-industrial areas, commercial spaces and public spaces. It is time for a review of some of the final activities closing this Interreg project and reflect of the future of the regenerates spaces.





During the Final AGORA Conference, held on the 6th and7th of December in Cluj-Napoca, project partners met to share their learings and future challenges after the AGORA experience. The project involved also local stakeholders and had a dedicsted section to the work of terrtiorial partners thanks to a small exhibition of posters summarising the AGORA implementation at the local level.



AGORA OUTPUTS: TOOLKIT, brochure, and more


Developed by the Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia, in collaboration with AGORA partners, the AGORA TOOLKIT is a compendium of public policies and initiatives implemented with the scope of redeveloping urban spaces, in Europe and in the Danube Region.


The AGORA BROCHURE brings to the reader a summary of the work developed in every AGORA local community with the support of scientific partners that guided the AGORA local activities and created moments of peer-to-peer learning to increase partners' capacities.


Check these two documents together with the posters presented during the AGORA Conference at the following link





We present to you, AGORA "Zoom-ins". A series of stories where Eutropian has been “zooming in” on the cities and communities that are partners in the AGORA project. These stories are the result of a joint effort with territorial partners covering the challenges, and opportunities of urban regeneration in the Danube Region.







AGORA Findings and a case study were presented at the ISOCARP 2022 WORLD PLANNING CONGRESS, therefore two papers are published in the conference Proceedings:

  • MILLAN CEREZO Nathalie, MOSQUERA SUAREZ Jorge: Multiplicity and Convergence in a low carbon industrial park: Test Planning in the Neckar-Alb Region (pg. 1583)
  • MUŠIČ Barbara, MOSQUERA SUAREZ Jorge, NIKŠIČ Matej: Innovative approaches in governance management in the time of COVID-19: Learnings from the Danube Region and other European cities (pg. 1602).



closing remark and FAREWELL


The last 30 months have been an unique opportunity for the cities, districts, and regions joining the AGORA project. The regeneration of the AGORA areas led to the implementation of actions and policy documents aiming to ensure a sustainability of the results achived under the AGORA project. During the final conference, project partners reflected on the future of regenerated pilot areas, and different challenges are ahead of our partners due to the heterogenity of the contexts but AGORA has definetely set the grounf for better governance of urban regeneration in the Danube Region.


At this stage, we wish a bright future to AGORA Areas and Partners, and we wish them to continue their work under other transnational projects for the Danube Region.


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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)