Danube Transnational Programme Newsletter 8


Seed Money Facility event


Interested in getting a kick-start for your projects? Then come to our Seed Money Facility (SMF) event on 27th September 2017 in Vienna to learn more about the funding opportunities and the programmes behind! What’s more, you will be able to discuss your visions with several stakeholders, as we expect 150 participants to show up, and besides interesting presentations, you will also have the chance to join an interactive session about the topics addressed by the 1st SMF call for proposals.


The registration is open now, so for more information, the agenda and the registration form please visit the event’s webpage.


6th EUSDR Annual Forum


The Danube Transnational Programme is the co-organiser of the 6th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region.

During the second day, the DTP will organise one plenary session about its contribution to the Danube Region, several Capitalisation working groups, and a workshop on the ‘Present and future’ of the Progamme.

Registration opens on 1st of August 2017, save the date!



128 proposals received in the 2nd call


The second call for proposals was officially launched by the Danube Transnational Programme on 9th May 2017 and it was closed on 6th June 2017. We are glad to announce that during this period we received 128 applications involving 1322 institutions from all the Danube region!


Read full article

DTP Capitalisation Strategy


During the second Lead Partners seminar, held on 28th of June in Budapest, a panel discussion  focused on DTP  Capitalisation strategy was organised.

The purpose was to provide the projects a better understanding of the DTP Capitalisation strategy, to highlight good practices as inspirations to Thematic poles and to improve networking amongst projects.  

We are also very much looking forward to our capitalisation sessions in the Forum! 


Managing Authority | Joint Secretariat
Széchenyi István tér 7-8 - 1051 Budapest, Hungary
E-mail: danube@interreg-danube.eu  | Web: www.interreg-danube.eu


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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)