EDU-LAB - Stakeholder Seminar and Workshop in Maribor


 Developing a new governance model

On September 14-15 2017, University of Maribor was hosting the first Stakeholder Seminar and Workshop within the latest Work Package of the EDU-LAB project aiming at the development of a new governance model in labour market relevance of higher education.


The current stage of the project relies on a triple-helix-cooperation model involving National Authorities, Higher Educational Institutions and Business Support Organizations. The aim of the seminar and workshop was to determine the path from the current state that varies among countries to the desired goal – linking of higher education and business by policy makers paving (or making) the roads.

Triple-Helix-cooperation in action

More than eighty representatives of partners and stakeholders from education, business and public administration from 10 Danube region countries were present in equal shares, so one could really experience the triple-helix-action at work. We are proud to say, we were hosting representatives of ministries: Ministry of Human Capacities, Hungary, Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport, Slovakia, Ministry of Education, Science and Sport, Slovenia, and other policy makers. Representatives of chambers of commerce from Romania, Slovakia, Hungary, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia were also present. Coordinators of EUSDR priority areas contributed with their insight and input to the success of the workshop as well: Dragica Karajić, MSc: coordinator of PA-8 (Competitiveness of Enterprises) and Nina Čepon: coordinator of PA-10 (Institutional Capacity & Cooperation).

The seminar and workshops have brought a deep insight into the labour market relevance of higher education by confronting different opinions, especially valuable because of the presence of the representatives of business: Hercules, Romania, T-Systems Slovakia, s.r.o., Volkswagen Slovakia, a.s., Knorr-Bremse Fékrendszerek Kft., Hungary, ITNT, Romania, Keep Calling, Romania, Deltaplast Kft., Hungary. Based on the workshop results, University of Maribor will draft a workable policy on how to introduce a systemic collaboration between higher education and business. The final goal is a new governance model, which will give policy recommendations for changing study programmes and creating challenging employment for the best students.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)