D-STIR - lead partner SOUTH-EAST REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY organised Transnational Stakeholder Group meeting on Business


On 17th of November 2017, the South-East Regional Development Agency of Romania (ADR SE) organised the Transnational Stakeholder Group on Business which followed the Quadruple Helix Principle and gathered, besides the representatives of business support organisations, representatives of local public authorities and civil society, as well. To reinforce the cooperation between the private environment and academia, representatives of universities attended also the meeting.

The main topics discussed were responsible innovation concept and its practical implementation using STIR intrument, the adaptation of STIR methodology and the project progress towards a Danube Responsible Research and Innovation Strategy. More cooperation agreements with relevant stakeholders will be signed to ensure long-term commitment and further support in the project implementation. Furthermore, the stakeholders will contribute to the preparation of the testing phase of D-STIR method by raising awareness and support for identification of SMEs acting in the field of RDI from the SE Region of Romania.


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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)