DRIM - International Migrants Day! Share your story with us!


Marking International Migrants Day today, on the December 18, DRIM project consortium lead by Slovenian Migration Institute would like to draw your attention to a DRIM project website, where personal stories of individuals from our main target groups (migrants, public authorites, NGO-workers) discussing the need for an improved access to information are being collected.

What is project DRIM? Project, whose acronym stands for Danube Region Information Platform for Economic Integration of Migrants, aims to improve information infrastructure for supporting public institutions in the Danube region to provide accessible information for newly arrived as well as resident migrants.

Consortium of 10 project partners from Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Serbia Slovakia and Slovenia has been supported by EU' s Danube Transnational Programme to enhance capacities of public institutions for enabling migrants' economic integration. While most of Danube region's countries face considerable challenges in incorporating migrants into labour markets and other facets of society, the first step should be raising capacities of institutions to provide relevant and up to date information regarding various aspects of employment and work to newly arrived migrants as well as resident ones in order for them to avoid losing their way in a bureaucratic maze or even passivity. DRIM responds to the need of public institutions to provide relevant information and services for migrants in an accessible way by creating multilingual transnational DANUBE COMPASS info tool covering 8 countries with comprehensive overview of services in procedures regarding employment, entrepreneurship, education, learning local language and other apsects of every day life in a new environement. You can learn on challenges and needs migrants as well as public institutions' representatives involved with integration measures face in their everyday life at the newly created topic »Real people, real stories« at DRIM webpage: http://dtp.interreg-danube.eu/approved-projects/drim/section/real-people-real-stories.

If you would like to share your story with us or know somebody, whose story could feature in the section »Real people, real stories« let us know! The DRIM project partners will also appreciate if you share the information on our project and in this way support migrants' successful integration.


More on DRIM project: http://dtp.interreg-danube.eu/approved-projects/drim

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)