DA-SPACE - Inauguration of UDJG OI Lab - Romania



Within the framework of the project "DA-SPACE - Open Innovation to Raise Entrepreneurship Skills and Public Private Partnership in the Danube Region", the Open Innovation Lab of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati has been set up. In the Lab, young talent teams, under the guidance of mentors, will find innovative solutions to challenges launched by successful companies, universities and public administration authorities. To learn how to develop business ideas, starting with these solutions, young talents will participate in an innovative entrepreneurial training program.

The inauguration took place on November 22, 2017, in the presence of the students, the university leadership, the guests representing the successful companies in the region, and the representatives of the two Romanian partners of the project, UDJG and APTE (Association for Promoting Electronics Technology).

Professor Florin Popescu, head of the OILab, presented the objectives of the DA-SPACE project and the resources of the open innovation lab created in the University. The first challenges have raised a great interest from the participants. The second Romanian project partner, APTE also presented its contribution to the project. Professor Alexandru Capatina introduced the concept of open innovation, with its advantages compared to closed innovation.

At the end of the inauguration event, the Open Innovation Lab was visited.

Images from the event could be found here.

The inauguration event had a strong echo in regional and national media.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)