EcoInn Danube - Third project partner meeting in Velenje - Slovenia


The third project partner meeting of the EcoInn project was mainly focused on first year review of deliverables implemented and discussion about upcomming events. The meeting was held in Vila Bianca in town of Velenje, Slovenia in the dates of 24-25 of January 2018. The host partner was KSENNA from Slovenia

During the first day review of WP4, WP3 and WP6 was done followed by innovative workshop in which all PP's were involved. Work package leaders were moderators of the relevant panels and Activity leader partners were presentators. 

The next day was followed by presentation of deliverables achieved in WP1, WP5 and WP2 including discussion about organizing upcomming events in period 3. First year review of the project was presented by the LP with participation of all WP leaders. At the end of the meeting a Steering committee was held in which the next date of the upcomming PP's meeting was voted.




Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)