EcoInn Danube - Brno home to world’s second largest Impact Hub


The Impact Hub coworking office complex in Brno has expanded into another building on Cyrilská Street. The grand opening ceremony took place last Thursday, with over 1,500 people following the event on Facebook. Photo: Impact Hub

Brno, Jan 31 (BD) – Zdeněk Rudolský, Robert Tůma, and Petr Vítek created this modern coworking space from an old factory some years ago. Now, the company has expanded its premises by renovating a former knitting research institute, reports Brnensky Denik.

Impact Hub operates in 100 locations around the world. The reconstruction of Impact Hub Brno has enlarged its original area by 1,700 square meters, making it the biggest Impact Hub in Europe. Larger Impact Hub offices are shared only by entrepreneurs in Seattle, USA.

The Hub works as a business incubator. On the first floor, there is also a café and bar, where the workers can meet or relax.

“The Hub is an inspirational workspace combining the advantages of a fully-equipped office with an Internet cafe and a business incubator. It is used by independent professionals, people from the commercial and non-profit sectors, and those members of the general public who wish to find new contacts, impulses and opportunities,” the official website of Impact Hub reads.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)