EcoInn Danube - Czech photovoltaic power plants in Hungary


Czech photovoltaic company Photon Energy has announced a significant expansion! This company is preparing acquisition of 5 project companies for the construction of 8 new photovoltaic power plants in Hungary with a total installed capacity of 5,5 MWp near the village Fertőd. It is expected that all newly added projects will be ready for construction in Q2 2018.

Announced acquisition will increase the extent of Photon Energy´s photovoltaic projects in Hungary up to 20,6 MWp. Eight photovoltaic power plants are situated in Almásfüzitő (5,5 MWp), six power plants in Fertőd (4,0 MWp), 8 power plants in Monor (5,6 MWp) and last eight photovoltaic power plants are planned near the village Tata (5,5 MWp).

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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)