FORESDA - Co-working area for FBI companies and creative industries being established in Prijedor


On February 23rd 2018 FORESDA partner PREDA-PD (Agency for Economic Development of Municipality Prijedor), participated on the cross-project event with Interreg Danube projects “Developing accelerators to provide better access to innovation finance for SMEs”-ACCELERATOR. The event aimed at establishing of the synergies and potential joint activities, especially related to the pilot project which PREDA implements in the framework of FORESDA. The objective of the pilot project is to develop a physical capacity in the form of hub, which will be created within the premises of the local business centre and the office of regional Wood and Furniture Cluster in the city of Prijedor. Space within the centre will be designed as co-working area, connected with local creative industries and individuals, other traditional industries, as well as with regional vocational education centres and schools. Supported by Wood and Furniture Cluster and Agency PREDA, created co-working area will be the link between regional forest-based industries and other sectors. More information available on

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)