InnoHPC - 1st Regional InnoHPC workshop on 22th February 2018


1st Regional InnoHPC workshop was held on 22th February 2018 at Courtyard Marriott in Linz,  Austria. A promotional video for the InnoHPC project was presented at the beginning, participants had oppportunity to write down their evaluations and suggestions for improvement of the video. The attendees agreed it properly presents the spirit of InnoHPC project. 


The second part of the Section 1 aimed in briefly presenting the DTP itself, Programme priorities, EUSDR, InnoHPC project objectives and priorities. The moderator Tamara B. Valič gave brief Introduction to Digital transformation, individual business, change in basic assumptions of this paradigm shift. One of the project’s main outputs of first year was properly introduced – in a form of Digital transformation of industry guidelines.

Later on the attendees were invited to make an exercise within 3-4 members working groups. Working groups had enough time to fully elaborate the SWAT analysis for their position within each of the elaborated guideline. The main discussion raised was in term of positioning of policy makers within the stakeholders as the potential linkage between HPC providers/competence centres and SMEs.

In Section 2 (Ontology-Enabled Domain- Expert-Driven Data Exploration) dr. Dominic Girardi and dr. Manuela Wiesinger Wild (RISC SW) explained the Data Mining process, the concepts implemented in the Medicine sector.  Presented was the purposes of the LAB platform and the case study for Process Models for Knowledge Discovery: from the process, limitations, outputs, overview of the activities in medicine case study the importance of feedback from using HPC simulations and models, but also utilizing the networks from other projects, and the input from stakeholders.


Moderators explained an ontology-based, domain independent, data acquisition and preparation system, which can process arbitrarily structured data. The system is fully generic and customizes itself automatically at runtime. It is based on a user defined ontology. So, it can be instantiated for any domain of application by defining an ontology for this domain. Furthermore, semantic rules can be integrated into the ontology to check the data’s semantic credibility.

 Also, the plan was elaborated on how to integrate statistical and data mining algorithms that take advantage of the structural ontology information to allow the user to perform semi-automatic explorative data analysis.

The speaker of section 3 (Searching for potential InnoHPC Lab members) Bruno Lindorfer (RISC-SW) introduced the main concepts behind the methodology of UXD - user experience design. The primary goal of the UXD is to develop ‘Personas’ that are fictional characters with main characteristics of potential users (InnoHPC Lab clients). A persona as elaborated through UXD is a snapshot of the person that can be targeted with the design or marketing efforts.

The attendees were then working in groups and each group prepared document called “Persona” - a valuable tool, offering an option to develop ideal types of stakeholders’ representors. Personas answer the question, “Who are we designing for?” and they help to align strategy and goals to specific user groups. Each group selected an imaginary person, draw a picture of this person, chose name, education, age, ect. of this person and everything they knew about the person as potential client of InnoHPC Lab. The groups also filled also Quotes, Key attributes, Characteristic of the work that a persona will do in the future, Work experiences in sector of HPC, CV... The groups then shared personas with the presentations in front of other participants at Workshop.


The goal of this exercise was to create a shared understanding of who the potential clients of InnoHPC Lab might be. Main findings were that personas can give you real insights into users of InnoHPC Lab, which will result in better design of InnoHPC Lab service.

Full report of the Workshop in Linz will be availabe in the following days. 

More photos from the workshop in the Gallery


InnoHPC Project manager

prof. dr. Borut Rončević

email: borut.roncevic(at)


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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)