InnoHPC - THE CAPACITY BUILDING WORKSHOPS - Croatia - 10-11th May 2018


InnoHPC training: Capacity building for HPC  providers and SMEs will be dedicated to developing HPC capacity building tools and programmes for SMEs (automotive and electronic) and HPC providers in order to deliver functionality of the InnoHPC Lab after the end of the InnoHPC project.  

The workshops will take place in Croatia: 10th of May in Amadria Milenij hotel, Opatija and 11th of May in University of Rijeka. 

1st day there will be two different, independent events taking place at the same venue (Opatija): one for SMEs and another for HPC providers. 

Speakers will present examples from industry where supercomputing infrastructure has decreased development time of the product or service. Lectures will give answers to questions as cost-effectiveness of investing in supercomputing or similar ICT infrastructure, especially in regard to competitiveness and business. Success stories from both industry and HPC providers will be presented with purpose of experience exchange, mutual learning and nevertheless, motivation. Beside the theoretical part of the two-day event, second day will be practical oriented.

All the participants will have the opportunity to join hands-on sessions with a goal of providing an insight on how use HPC Infrastructure and how it can be useful for upgrading businesses. This workshop will demonstrate usage of the supercomputer applications in the field of industrial research and development of new products. Participants will individually run calculations with aim of understanding the wide HPC possibilities. 



Further information can be obtained on InnoHPC Interreg Danube WebPage.

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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)