InnoHPC - INVITATION - INNOHPC 4th Regional Workshop - Belgrade, Serbia


4th InnoHPC Regional workshop will take place in Belgrade, Serbia, on June 14th - 15th, 2018, in the premises of the Scientific and Technological Park Belgrade, 54 Veljka Dugosevica Street in Belgrade.

2-days workshop on the role, significance and capabilities of HPC (High Performance Computing) resources in Serbia is result of joint efforts of Regional Agency for Economic Development of Sumadija and Pomoravlje (in front of our InnoHPC) and the Institute of Physics in Belgrade (in front of the project Virtual Survey of the Environment for Interdisciplinary Science in South-East Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean - VI-SEEM), in cooperation with Scientific Technology Park Belgrade.

Purpose of the workshop: To raise the awareness of the professional public and SMEs about the existence and capabilities of HPC centers.

Target groups:

1. Public sector representatives, decision-makers,

2. Business support organizations,

3. Small and medium enterprises,

4. Partners of the projects.





Further information can be obtained on InnoHPC Interreg Danube WebPage.

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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)