InnoHPC - INVITATION: INNOHPC TRAINING - Capacity building for HPC providers and SMEs - Podgorica, Montenegro


InnoHPC training: Capacity building for HPC providers and SMEs will take place on June 27 – 28th, 2018, in Hotel Aurel in Podgorica, Montenegro. It will be dedicated to developing HPC capacity building tools and programmes for SMEs (automotive and electronic) and HPC providers in order to deliver functionality of the InnoHPC Lab after the end of the InnoHPC project.

There are going to be two separated events occurring in parallel (one for SMEs and one for HPC providers) with additional value on mingling possibility.

Registrations via e-mail:  (Mrs. Jelena Krivčević, Executive Director - Regional Development Agency Bjelasica, Komovi & Prokletije)



Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)