CHESTNUT - Professor Lindov developed innovative solutions for future traffic in Sarajevo


Osman Lindov, a traffic engineer and professor at the Faculty of Transport and Communications Sarajevo, has developed several innovative solutions for future traffic in Sarajevo - The future of transport in Sarajevo, with the aim of creating a city's beautiful looks and a more comfortable life. Project Chestnut promotes good examples of urban mobility, and this is one of them.

He said that several years ago he developed several innovative solutions for Sarajevo, which were published in world magazines, which are, in fact, modular innovative solutions for unhindered and safe traffic in cities, in this case Sarajevo. It's a redesign of the pedestrian zone of Ferhadija and Marshal Tito Street, the red tape station Pofalići and the redevelopment of the river Miljacka.

"The subject of research in the work was to determine the relevant parameters that show the trends of urban development from the aspect of traffic and which are developing at a pace and their impact on the vulnerable participants in pedestrian and bicycle traffic. The research served to provide modular innovative solutions for unobstructed and safe traffic in towns. According to the research, there is a constant increase in bicycles and their participation in traffic as well as an increase in the density of motorized transport. These parameters are visible every day on the streets of the capital and it's not difficult to come to the conclusion that it's necessary to find solution or present an idea that would form the basis of its further development," said Professor Lindov.


Today, the backbone of city traffic in Sarajevo consists of trams that transport half of the total number of passengers. In addition to tram, transport is done by trolleybuses, buses and mini buses. The global development directions of the City of Sarajevo in the period up to 2023 contain the basic elements of the reconstruction and development of transport. Their ultimate goal is a quality, comfortable, safe and reliable transport, maximally adapted to the requirements of passengers.

Satisfying the needs of users is an imperative in their study, and in the transformation of public urban transport it's necessary to provide users with attractive, comfortable, fast and affordable public transport, with less investment and lower exploitation costs.

Tram traffic in the city of Sarajevo is in the central part of the city and takes up the length of the tram network of 22.9km in the surface route with electric power above the route. The biggest problem of the Sarajevo tram is its noise and obsolescence, as well as the power supply that is a complex network of wires, conduits and columns and affect the visual degradation of the entire city of Sarajevo. 

Professor Lindov says innovative tram transport solutions include solutions that will be quiet, comfortable and visually appealing to the urban environment.

"Modern low-floor trams, which draw their power out of the rail, are an ideal solution for noise reduction and the abolition of power grids. This approach would allow tramping and construction of bicycle trails in the tramway gallery, the width of the tram traffic ranges from 13m to 25m, 70m in the places where the turntables are in. By tramping the tram to the height of the window part, passengers would have visual communication with the environment, thus avoiding the uncomfortable feeling of the metro and other systems that are digging underground, and on the other hand, such a solution would be comparatively cheaper than metro. In the part of the intersection, there would be a complete lowering of the tram to the ground and a re-emergence immediately after the intersection, which would result in not breaking the flow of trams at intersections, which would greatly increase the safety and volume of passenger transport by tram. Covering adequate load-bearing platforms would provide space that could be used through the construction of bicycle trails in the tram route gallery, and could also be used as a road to emergency medical services in cases where existing roads would be overloaded," says Professor Lindov.

Redesign of the pedestrian zone Ferhadija

Innovative solutions to the pedestrian zone, Professor Lindov says, implies retention of pedestrians in pedestrian zones during adverse weather conditions. An innovative idea is reflected in the installation of mobile panels with the entire length of the pedestrian zone that would enable pedestrians to use the pedestrian zone in all weather conditions.

Glass, slightly tinted panels would be placed on surrounding buildings with designated carriers that would be pulled out automatically in a storm or too hot sun for protection purposes. The modern look of the entire infrastructure will give citizens and walkers the opportunity to continue enjoying the beauty of the pedestrian zone.

Redesign of Marshal Tito Street

In the period of heat and heat shocks there is no protection except for surrounding buildings that need to provide natural shade for walkers, which is impossible to create because of the position of the promenade. An innovative idea is that the entire walkway is covered with concrete dome that would fit into the appearance of buildings that would allow pedestrians to use the pedestrian zone in all weather conditions.

Concrete dome arches would be fixed to the building and would constitute an integral part of the infrastructure. The canopies would be combined with the appearance of each building and its facade separately, in order to keep the promenade in a beautiful ambience.

Redesign of the riverbed - the Coast

Today, the use of alternative types of transport, rather than motorized transport, is increasingly emphasized in the world through the construction of bicycle and hiking trails.

"This kind of thinking, which is European-oriented, requires detailed and precise planning of the available areas that will be maximally used in the future. Designed for redesigning the Miljacka River basins and providing a full length of about 10 km. Also, the Miljacka riverbank serves to collect all the surrounding waters as streams and rivers from the hills and wastewaters that pollute the river, and to a great extent cause an unpleasant smell, especially in the summer months," explains Professor Lindov.

Cycling - alternative mode of transport

The goal of reconstructing of the Miljacka River basin and building cycling and hiking trails is to develop cycling as an alternative mode of transport, to popularize a healthy lifestyle among citizens, especially children and youth, and to urbanize the urban environment and follow modern European and world trends.

"The construction and implementation of proposed innovative solutions in the river belt, the introduction of conveyor belts and the redesign of rail transport would give city transport a pleasant, peaceful ecological and safe transport, and a completely new pedestrian and bicycle route, physically separated from motor traffic, would be created," professor Lindov said.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)