
DIGITRANS project partners have recently met for the fourth time in Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria. With project official ending closing rapidly, there are still couple of challenges to address.

The meeting took place on 25th and 26th September in Sofia Tech Park JSC, the first science and technology park in Bulgaria. The park is meant to boost cooperation between scientific, educational, business and public sectors.

The first day kicked off with project steering committee discussing strategic questions. Afterwards, the rest of the project consortium joined in. The first day’s main topics were blended learning trainings (BLTs) and project administration. The lead partner, MFG Innovation Agency Media and Creative Industries Baden-Württemberg, has already completed all three BLT cycles and they kindly shared their experience with the rest of the team. A discussion on BLTs’ structure revision ensued followed by defining content for BLT trainer’s guidelines. After the lunch, the focus shifted from BLTs to project budget and quality control.

The first topic of the second day was project sustainability. Partners shared their thoughts and ideas regarding the sustainability workshops’ structure. Its main goal is to try to include the project’s results and conclusions into policies of each region and in that way strengthen SMEs’ capacity for digital transformation. This was followed by discussion on guidelines for local and regional authorities.

The meeting continued with communication activities review and plans for the upcoming period. Special attention was paid to DIGITRANS LinkedIn community and DIGITRANS.me platform, both serving as networking and learning hubs for all things digital transformation.

The two days in Sofia have been very productive and in addition to the meeting, partners had a chance to continue their discussion in a more informal environment during a dinner.

In the following nine months there is still a lot to do but the effort will most certainly not be in vain once the project’s goal is accomplished.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)