Looking for a new team member? Why not Host some IVY's

Dear DTP friends,
The DTP is glad to inform you that the initiative “Interreg Volunteer Youth” (IVY) has been extended – the Association of European Border Regions (AEBR) will manage IVY until December 2019!
All thanks to the IVY initiative, Interreg projects all over Europe have been implemented with the support of enthusiastic young Europeans who brought their interests, skills and dynamic into the group. Volunteers have supported Interreg projects in various phases of their realisation: from planning to implementing, from researching to result communicating. Not only Managing Authorities and Joint Secretariats, but also National Authorities, Interact and Project partners: they all have benefitted from hosting volunteers. Interviews have been taken, videos made, events organised to increase the visibility of Interreg and to showcase the results of Interreg projects.
The chance to host a volunteer continues until December 2019 and the IVY team would be very happy to have a chat with you to inform you, in detail, about the initiative. We hereby invite our project beneficiaries to support this initiative as we have hosted (read their section) the first ever IVY, Manon Levrey and continued on to do so with Nora Sebesi & Tina Mandelj. So you should also help IVY reach out to all of your stakeholders!
Also, should you be in Brussels during the European Week of Regions and Cities, we invite you to come see what the volunteers have done so far to contribute to the work of their host organisations by attending the IVY team workshop on Thursday 11 October 2018 at 14:30 or by going to their stand in the Agora. For more info, please contact the following.
Cinzia Dellagiacoma (AEBR) 
Project and Communication Manager

)Association of European Border Regions (AEBR) 
)Registry no. 5420, Local Court of Coesfeld/Germany
Atrium Tower
Eichhornstraße 3 
10785 Berlin
Office: +49 3054851779
Mobile: +49 17642090666
Fax: +49 3091486601  

Internet: www.aebr.eu 
Facebook: www.facebook.com/AEBR.AGEG.ARFE/ 
Twitter: www.twitter.com/SocialnetAEBR 

Internet IVY: http://www.interregyouth.com
Facebook IVY: https://www.facebook.com/InterregYouth/ 
Twitter IVY: https://twitter.com/InterregYouth


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)