CHESTNUT - LSG members discuss urban mobility and multi-modal solutions for sustainable transport development in FUA Alba Iulia


On the 23rd of November, 2018, the Regional Development Agency Centru organized in Alba Iulia a local dissemination seminar on sustainable urban mobility. The meeting gathered over 25 representatives of public authorities, clusters, NGOs, and universities from Centru Region, Romania.

Organized in the framework of European Year of Multimodality, the meeting raised awareness on the importance of multimodality for the FUA transport system and the existing solutions and the urban mobility measures proposed to create a better environment for the communities and the businesses existing at FUA level.

The meeting was structured into 2 sessions: the first session focused on the project presentation and the process of SUMP preparation within the CHESTNUT project, and the second session on the urban mobility planning measures proposed at FUA level, including the responsibilities of each FUA member, costs and existing funding opportunities at regional level.

This event ensured a better dissemination of the FUA Alba Iulia SUMP created within the CHESTNUT project and a better communication with the LSG members in order to identify the optimal solutions to existing urban transport challenges in FUA Alba Iulia.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)