Regio Awards 2017 for projects


The European Commission (DG Regional and Urban Policy) has launched the RegioStars Awards 2017 campaign. The Danube Transnational Programme invites its approved projects to submit an application for this campaign.

The Award Categories for 2017 are:

1) Smart Specialisation for SME innovation

2) Energy Union: Climate action

3) Women Empowerment and Active Participation

4) Education and training

5) CityStars: Cities in Digital Transition

Applications can be submitted by the project beneficiaries with the endorsement of the responsible Managing Authority, until 10 April 2017. DTP projects interested in applying need to contact the DTP JS (

More infomation here  or in social media: @EU_Regional #Regiostars , #EURegionsWeek

This year's RegioStars award ceremony will take place on Tuesday, October 10, during the 2017 European Week of Regions and Cities


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)