D2C - Presentation of the D2C project at the Šumava conference


The conference „Current affairs of research in the Šumava“ is organised every three years. It is organised by the National Park Šumava Administration, the associated partner in the D2C project. This year the conference took place in Srní on 6th and 7th October 2018. The Ametyst Association, the D2C project partner, presented the poster about the project. As Eva Volfová (Ametyst): „It was really inspiring for our Pilot Region 1 to see what kind research projects are running in Šumava.  Useful presentations were performed and we had the opportunity to discuss with many researchers“.

Not only DaRe to Connect but also others projects were presented. Running projects Silva Gabreta (monitoring of biodiversity), Life for Mires (restoration of mires) and others projects on water regime, monitoring of grouses, lynx and other topics were presented. Participants took also a field trip to the River Křemelná where restoration of mires is carried out.

Ametyst has presented a poster about study of Western Capercaillie's habitat fragmentation. Grouses (blakgrouse, caperaillie, hazelgrouse) were presented too as one of the project objects in the Pilot Region 1.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)