Interreg was present in the Katowice Climate Change Conference


Danube Transnational Programme’s projects make the difference. DriDanube was presented as a good example during workshop organised by Interact during the Climate Change Conference in Katowice.

On 8 December 2018, the Interreg Climate Change Network held a session presenting "Interreg contribution to climate change adaptation: discover results and funding opportunities". The goal was to show examples of relevant projects, and to provide the audience with information about how to benefit from the available funding research opportunities.


The session was supported by two dedicated videos:

"Interreg Climate Change Network – the reasons why". Check the video here.

"Interreg results in combating climate change", in which DriDanube project was mentioned. Check the video here.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)