Successful Info Days for the 3rd call


The Third Call is already opened and the National Contact Points help to get ready and prepare your proposal well. All of them organised or will organise a National Info Day to support the potential applicants. 

Ten Info Days already took place. The first one was in Germany. Some of the countries organised even few events, for example in Germany - two, in Montenegro - 3, and in Romania - two. There are still few countries, which are going to organise the National Info Day soon. Potential applicants still can gain new knowledge about the call

All the info about National Info Days is available here

In Bosnia & Herzegovina the Info Day took place on 31st of January. It was an succesfull event, NCP and DTP JS/MA representatives managed to gather more than 140 people! 


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)