D2C - Project presented at European Landscape Convention infoday


The Slovak Environmental Agency together with Technical University in Zvolen organized the information day about the European Landscape Convention (March 19, 2019 in Zvolen). One of the Slovak project partners, the Ekopolis Foundation, was asked to present the Dare to Connect project as a good practice, contributing to the Convention implementation. More than 60 experts from whole Slovakia learned about the goals, project activities (those already implemented as well as upcoming ones) and other project details. Particular attention of presenters and discussants were paid to preliminary findings of mapping of migration barriers in the project pilot area Záhorie (Western Slovakia). Connected ecological corridors are one of the substantial features of good ladscape character, thus this topic stays in focus of experts and the project will be under further attention of them. 

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)