InnoSchool - First feedback on InnoSchool Learning System given by the Advisory Group


On Wednesday, May 22, was organized in European House, Prague, very first Advisory group of InnoSchool project meeting. DEXIC team has presented the work done so far. At the same time, we have got valuable feedback on the current state of InnoSchool Learning System (ILS) that is currently being developed with the help of all project partners. 


This meeting was the very first, more meetings will take place in order to know the opinions of people with knowledge of social entrepreneurship. We seek the point of view of students, teachers, social entrepreneurship or organizations that work on innovation in education or deal with similar social needs that were chosen as the most relevant for the Serious Game. This kind of feedback is highly valuable for the final form of the innovative InnoSchool Learning System. 



The overall participants' experience was positive and brought some interesting thoughts as well as valuable insights for improvements. According to participants, it is important to support the teachers who will be using the ILS. In the case of the interschool competition, that will be also part of the ILS, it is crucial to motivate participating students with a reward relevant for their CVs. Next suggestion was to give the whole System community character - to allow the participants to be in touch with each other. E.g. by using social media that will be used for sharing their knowledge or for informing friends about their progress or other projects.

Next meeting of Advisory group is planned at the end of October/beginning of November and its goal is to get new insights that will help with the realization of innovative InnoSchool Learning System.


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)